許可證的英文 許可證用英語怎麼說?
licence n.執照;許可證;特許證;營業執照;許可;准許;不拘一格;偏離常規;自由行動權;誘因
license v.頒發許可證;批准;許可;准許;准許…做某事
permit v.允許;許可;准許;批准;允許有;使成為可能;使有可能;可能有
1. 特別許可證
special licence
2. 出港許可證
clearance permit
3. 簽發許可證
issue a permit (for sth)
4. 撤銷許可證
withdraw permission; revoke a licence
5. 許可證貿易
licence trade
6. 外匯許可證
foreign exchange permit/licence
7. 離境許可證
exit permit
8. 進口許可證
import licence/authorization
9. 漁業許可證
fishery licence
10. 獨佔許可證
exclusive licence
11. 營業許可證
business permit
12. 出口許可證
export licence; export permit; export certification; certificate of shipment
13. 出境許可證
exit permit
14. 進出口許可證
import-export licence
15. 專利許可證
patent licence
16. 外出許可證
liberty pass
17. 當然許可證
licence of course
18. 工作許可證
work permit; working papers
19. 輸入許可證
import licence
20. 捕撈許可證
fishing licence
1. 長期以來,科學出版一直是印鈔的許可證。
Scientific publishing has long been a licence to print money.
2. 他持有由政府簽發的許可證。
He possesses a permit granted by the government.
3. 你的許可證上沒有公章,這太不合常規了。
But there is no official stamp on your permit; this is most irregular.
4. 一視同仁地把許可證發給各公司。
Licences were issued indiscriminately to any company.
5. 他僅憑工作許可證待在英國。
He is only in Britain on a work permit.
6. 他說那項法令是頒給破壞公物者的許可證。
He described the act as a charter for vandals.
7. 當時沒有料到的問題就是你得不到許可證。
The kicker was you couldn't get a permit.
8. 適合年滿18週歲觀眾的電影放映許可證。
An 18 certificate.
9. 電視收看許可證可以透過直接借記方式付款。
TV licences can be paid for by direct debit.
10. 許可證可透過申請而獲得
[mass noun]licences are available on application