促使的英文 促使用英語怎麼說?
urge v.力勸;懇求;鼓勵;強烈要求;激勵;竭力主張;使加快;使加速
impel v.驅使;迫使;催促;推進;驅動
spur n.踢馬刺;靴刺;刺激;鼓勵;鞭策;鼓舞;主體上的突出物或分叉物;支架;支柱
precipitate v.使(事件、情況;尤指壞事或討厭之事)突如其來地發生;促成;使…沉澱;使澱析;使突然移動;使(人;物)突然陷入;使(水滴;粉塵)沉降
常用 權威
1. 促使垮臺
accelerate the downfall (of)
2. 促使滅亡
precipitate the extinction of sth
3. 促使加倍努力
impel sb to greater efforts
4. 促使採取行動
spur sb to action
5. 促使敵人內部分解
bring disintegration among the enemy
1. 社會促使我們專業化,成為專家。
Society pushes us to specialize, to become experts.
2. 數字服務稅將促使科技巨頭退出法國。
The digital services tax will prompt the tech giants to quit France.
3. 我們的態度促使我們到戶外去享受輪滑。
Our attitudes prompt us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.
4. 工作的價值也促使人們在退休後繼續工作。
The value of work is also driving folks to continue working past retirement.
5. 促使科技巨頭離開法國。
Prompt the tech giants to quit France.
6. 他的決心促使他根據讀者的品味調整報紙。
His determination pushed him to adjust the newspapers according to the readers' taste.
7. 這個定義促使我們開始研究美國的工作狂。
That definition prompted us to begin a study of workaholism in the U. S.
8. 因此,他們促使了北極熊和海豹的數量減少。
So they have pushed down the number of polar bears.
9. 這促使該公司下調了對整個第四季度的預測。
This prompted the company to cut its forecasts for the full fourth quarter.
10. 這促使他們追求可能帶來豐厚回報的高風險體驗。
It motivates them to pursue higher-risk experiences that might bring a big payoff.
【詞目】促使 【拼音】cùshǐ 【英譯】[impel;urge] 【基本解釋】 推動某物或使某事達到一定目的
動詞 urge; impel; spur; precipitate
1. 他的話促使我作出決定。
His remark precipitated my decision.
2. 促使學生全面發展
help students develop in an all-round manner
3. 促使問題得到解決
precipitate the settlement of an issue
4. 促使加倍努力
impel sb to greater efforts
5. 促使滅亡
precipitate the extinction of sth
6. 促使垮臺
accelerate the downfall (of)
7. 促使採取行動
spur sb to action