酸甜苦辣的英文 酸甜苦辣用英語怎麼說?
sour, sweet, bitter, and hot—joys and sorrows; sweets and bitters (of life, career, etc)
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 他是過來人,知道登山運動員這項危險職業的酸甜苦辣。
He used to be a mountaineer, so he can tell the joys and sorrows of this dangerous profession.
2. 他的心情非常複雜,酸甜苦辣
He has had his ups and downs in life.
3. 那可憐的老婦人嚐盡了人間的酸甜苦辣.
The poor old woman had tried everything under the sun.
4. 生活賜予的酸甜苦辣鹹,才是真正要融到自己音樂的。
Melt down the precious granted from your life into your music.
5. 我只有在孤兒院長大並讓我過早嚐到人間的酸甜苦辣。
I have grow up in orphanages and let me have early taste of life mixed.
6. 但當你在品嚐著酸甜苦辣時,或許生活已經悄然改變。
But when you're on the cusp of something dramatic and maybe life-changing.
7. 生活是點滴的酸甜苦辣串成,無盡的愛,製造出樂趣!
Life is full with different tastes, Endless love would made it fun.
8. 無論我們遭遇任何困難,和他緊緊攜手共同面對一切酸甜苦辣。
Regardless we suffer any difficulty, holding hands to face together with him tightly and tightly everything sweet and sour bitterness hot.
9. 我真誠的希望在未來的日子和生活中我們能一起品味生活中的酸甜苦辣。
I sincerely hope in the days to come and live in, we can taste of the ups and downs of life.
10. 請你記住,我要你嘗一下你給我嘗過的酸甜苦辣,你說是愛情的滋味·。
Please remember, I want you to taste you give I tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, you say the taste of love.
酸甜苦辣,漢語成語,指各種味道。也比喻人生的各種經歷和遭遇。例句有“嚐嚐人生的酸甜苦辣,對自己的成長有好處。” 出自《鶡冠子·環流五》:“陰陽不同氣,然其為和同也;酸鹹甘苦之味相反,然其為善均也。”作謂語、賓語。 相關古文有清代李綠園《歧路燈》:“無非為衣食奔走,圖掙幾文錢,那酸甜苦辣也就講說不起。”近義詞有喜怒哀樂、悲歡離合、世態炎涼。反義詞有四大皆空。
酸甜苦辣 是一個漢語成語,讀音為 suān tián kǔ là ,指各種味道。比喻人生幸福、歡樂、痛苦、磨難等各種遭遇。
null詞 sour, sweet, bitter, and hot—joys and sorrows; sweets and bitters (of life, career, etc)
1. 飽嘗人生的酸甜苦辣
take the sweets and the bitters of life; drink the cup of life to the bottom
sour, sweet, bitter, and hot—joys and sorrows; sweets and bitters (of life, career, etc)