虧損的英文 虧損用英語怎麼說?
lose money 虧錢;輸錢;丟錢
be in the red 負債;虧空
常用 權威
1. 虧損額
amount of loss
2. 淨虧損
dead loss
3. 虧損表
deficiency statement
4. 虧損保險
insurance against losses
5. 虧損賬戶
deficit/loss/deficiency account
6. 經營性虧損
operational losses
7. 企業虧損面
number of enterprises running at a loss
8. 年度虧損
annual loss
9. 造成虧損
result in a loss
10. 虧損補貼
subsidies to make up for losses
11. 嚴重虧損
heavy loss
12. 實際虧損
actual loss
13. 質量虧損
mass defect
14. 隱性虧損
invisible deficit [deficit which does not appear in the accounts]
15. 虧損報表
deficiency account
16. 虧損總額
total loss/deficit
17. 累年虧損
have deficits year after year
18. 企業虧損
loss incurred in an enterprise
19. 承擔虧損
bear a loss
20. 累計虧損
accumulated deficit
1. 美國郵政服務(USPS)繼續虧損。
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) continues to bleed red ink.
2. 這家虧損企業可沒少讓領導操心。
The losing enterprise worried the leaders a lot.
3. 今年的虧損抵銷了去年的利潤。
This year’s losses offset/nullified last year’s gains.
4. 由於管理不善,工廠連年虧損。
Due to mismanagement, the factory has been in the red for years straight.
5. 今年的利潤將彌補去年的虧損。
This year’s profits will make good last year’s losses.
6. 這個廠已經連續幾年嚴重虧損。
This factory has been running at a heavy loss for years on end.
7. 這家虧損企業日子不好過。
The loss-making enterprise is having a tough time.
8. 這家國有企業虧損,靠政府補貼支撐著。
The state-owned enterprise was losing money, and was propped up by state subsidy.
9. 收益與虧損相抵銷。
The gains are balanced by the losses.
10. 今年虧損額預計超過一億英鎊。
Losses are expected to top £100 m this year.
虧損(英文:have a deficit),讀音為kuī sǔn,漢語詞語,指的是損害、缺損;也指容貌、身體受損傷;還指收入不夠支出、虧折。例句有這家公司虧損嚴重,早已名存實亡了。 相關近義詞有犧牲、折損、損失,反義詞有盈餘、贏餘、盈利。
動詞 have a deficit/loss; lose money; be in the red
1. 這個廠已經連續幾年嚴重虧損。
This factory has been running at a heavy loss for years on end.
2. 久病而虧損
be in general debility after long illness
3. 嚴重虧損
heavy loss
4. 實際虧損
actual loss
5. 企業虧損
loss incurred in an enterprise
6. 淨虧損
dead loss
7. 長期虧損
run at a loss for years
8. 財政/工業/經濟虧損
financial/industrial/economic loss
9. 造成虧損
result in a loss
10. 彌補虧損
cover/meet a loss
11. 承擔虧損
bear a loss
動詞 become weak
1. 久病而虧損
be in general debility after long illness