課間休息的英文 課間休息用英語怎麼說?
have a break (between classes)
(class) break/interval; class recess
常用 重點詞彙
1. 最後,課間休息的鈴聲響了。
Finally the bell rang for a break.
2. 為了你,我在課間休息的許多天都是一個人站著。
You, I spent many days at recess standing alone.
3. 所以我最後只能在課間休息時獨自站著,無所事事。
So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing.
4. 課間休息時我還會做一些其他的事情,比如下棋和剪紙。
Some other things I would do at recess were chess and paper cutting.
5. 課間休息,她想抓緊睡上幾分鐘。
She hoped to grab/snatch a few minutes’sleep during the break.
6. 課間休息時,我也會說英語。
I also speak in English during the break.
7. 我喜歡課間休息。
I like the pause between lessons.
8. 約翰和他的同學朱迪在課間休息.
John and his classmate, Judy, rest during intervals.
9. 學生們在課間休息時玩抓人遊戲.
The students played tag during recess.
10. 課間休息時朱尼爾和卡門都在對臺詞。
At recess Junior and Carmen worked on their parts.
《麵包與小巷》是由阿巴斯·基亞羅斯塔米編劇導演的伊朗劇情短片。故事主要講述,一個小男孩拿著一隻麵包棍回家,經過一條小巷時一隻四處遊蕩的小狗攔住他的去路。小男孩一時不知所措,最終決定掰一塊麵包給狗吃,小狗十分感激他,陪同他一直到他家門口,接著又在那裡等待下一個受害者的到來。A child carrying a bread is going home but in the alley on his way to home, there is a frightening dog and he doesn't seem to pass it alone。
have a break (between classes); (class) break/interval; class recess