外國學生的英文 外國學生用英語怎麼說?
overseas student; foreign student
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我進入了城市學院,為外國學生上英語課。
I entered the city college to take English classes for foreign students.
2. 組織這個活動是為了鼓勵外國學生學習漢語。
It was organized to inspire foreign students to learn Chinese.
3. 你們給外國
Do you offer scholarship to international students?
4. 西點也接受極少數量的外國學生。
West Point also accepts a limited number of international students nominated by their home government.
5. 華威大學約有550名外國留學生。
Warwick is home to some 550 international students.
6. 學雜費昂貴,外國留學生負擔不起.
The tuition and fees fall heavy on the international students.
7. 貴校為外國留學生提供哪些獎學金?
What scholarships do you offer to international students?
8. 沒那兩個外國學生都穿著中式衣服。
The two foreign students were both dressed in Chinese-style clothes.
9. 外國留學生可以獲得校方經濟幫助.
Financial aid is available to international students.
10. 這所大學每年招收大量的外國留學生.
The universit recruits a large number of overseas students each year.
overseas student; foreign student