法治的英文 法治用英語怎麼說?
rule of law 法律原則;法治
常用 權威
1. 依法治國
rule of law
2. 實行法治
practise the rule of law
3. 加強法治
strengthen the rule of law
1. 我們搞的是法治而不是人治。
We have a government of law, not of man.
2. 要搞法治,不搞人治。
The rule of law, rather than the rule of human leader, should be followed.
3. 社會應有法治的無可指責的信念。
The unexceptionable belief that society should be governed by law.
4. 他重申了加強法治的必要性。
He reaffirmed that it was essential to strengthen the rule of law.
5. 國王依法治國。
The king ruled by decree.
6. 堅持依法治國和以德治國相結合.
We continued to combine rule of law with rule by virtue.
7. 法治是一種時代性和地方性知識。
The rule of law is an era and local knowledge.
8. 公民是建設法治國家的真實主體;
Citizen is real subject of building legal country and the deepest basis.
9. 用新型化療法治療前景要樂觀些。
With new types of chemotherapy the outlook is better.
10. 依法治國和以德治國是治國方略。
Ruling by law and ruling by morality are strategies of running a country.
法治是人類政治文明的重要成果,是現代社會的一個基本框架。大到國家的政體,小到個人的言行,都需要在法治的框架中執行。對於現代中國,法治國家、法治政府、法治社會一體建設,才是真正的法治。 依法治國、依法執政、依法行政共同推進,才是真正的依法;科學立法、嚴格執法、公正司法、全民守法全面推進,才是真正的法治。無論是經濟改革還是政治改革,法治都可謂先行者,對於法治的重要性,可以說怎麼強調都不為過。 實施依法治國基本方略、建設社會主義法治國家,既是經濟發展、社會進步的客觀要求,也是鞏固黨的執政地位、確保國家長治久安的根本保障。
名詞 rule of law
1. 我們搞的是法治而不是人治。
We have a government of law, not of man.
2. 法治社會
a society based on the rule of law
3. 法治國家
state based on the rule of law; country under the rule of law
4. 實行法治
practise the rule of law
5. 加強法治
strengthen the rule of law