太少的英文 太少用英語怎麼說?
very little 非常少;很少;甚微
1. 訓練太少
1. 多年來,我們一直在說,維護歷史遺蹟的預算太少了。
We've been saying for years that the budget for maintaining historic monuments is too low.
2. 自動化正越來越多地取代工作,留下的好的新工作太少。
Automation is increasingly replacing jobs and leaving too few good new jobs behind.
3. 這個地方有藝術天才的人太少了。
Artistic people are in tiny minority in this place.
4. 食物太少,難以維持生命。
There was too little food to support life.
5. 不管經濟景不景氣,好人總是太少。
Recession or no recession there is always going to be a shortage of good people.
6. 學生們抱怨可讀性強的書太少了.
The students complained of being short of readable books.
7. 我想放棄這個工作,工資太少了。
I want to quit it for the job pays little.
8. 這再歸因似乎給米蘭達太少信用。
This reattribution seems to give Miranda too little credit.
9. 我們的薪水和美國相比,太少了。
Compare with America, our wage is too low.
10. 會議延期了,因為出席的人太少。
The meeting was postponed because too few people turned up.