在一定程度上的英文 在一定程度上用英語怎麼說?
to a certain degree 在一定程度上;在某種程度上
to a certain extent 在某種程度上
常用 重點詞彙
1. 原材料和金屬價格的上漲在一定程度上促使企業開始行動。
This is partly driven by the rising price of raw materials and metals.
2. 在一定程度上,我們可以理解和控制我們對時間流逝的體驗。
To a certain degree, we can understand and control our experience of time passing.
3. 對僱主組織的促進在一定程度上與工會力量的增長相對立。
The stimulus to employers' organization was partly a counter to growing union power.
4. 你的提議在一定程度上是可行的。
To some extent, what you came up with is feasible.
5. 在一定程度上,我同意你的觀點。
I agree with you in part.
6. 所以在一定程度上,我支援它!
So to some extent I'm for it.
7. 簡化必定在一定程度上限制了功能。
Simplicity necessarily limits functionality to some degree.
8. 在一定程度上這種模式擴大到俗人的。
To some extent this pattern was extended to the laity as well.
9. 此項協議在一定程度上拯救了吉拉德.
The deal provides a measure of redemption for Ms Gillard.
10. 主觀規範在一定程度上影響個人態度。
Subjective norms affect the personal attitude in a certain extent .
to a certain degree; to a certain extent