戴帽子的英文 戴帽子用英語怎麼說?
put on/wear a cap/hat; brand/label (sb) as; (of a physician) diagnose (a patient) as having an illness
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 歪戴帽子
wear one's cap askew
1. 他常年不戴帽子。
He goes bare-headed all year round.
2. 他沒戴帽子,銀髮亂糟糟的。
He was hatless, his silver hair awry.
3. 戴帽子前確保頭髮是完全乾爽的。
Make sure your hair is completely dry before putting on your hat.
4. 戴帽子並穿長袖衣服來增強防護。
Wear a hat and a long-sleeved shirt for added protection.
5. 儀式之後,愛倫上樓去戴帽子。
After the ceremony Helen ran upstairs to put on her hat.
6. 站在樹下戴帽子的男孩 是誰?
Who's the boy in the hat under the tree?
7. 夏季同樣也是戴帽子的季節。
This is also hat season.
8. “見鬼!”他在戴帽子時,嘴裡嘀咕道。
\Hell! \ he muttered, as he put on his hat.
9. 除了個別計程車兵,沒有一個是戴帽子的。
No one, save an occasional soldier, wore a hat .
10. 他露面時頭上沒有戴帽子。
He emerged minus his hat.
動詞 put on/wear a cap/hat
1. 他常年不戴帽子。
He goes bare-headed all year round.
動詞 brand/label (sb) as
1. 他被戴上自由主義者的帽子。
He was labelled as a liberalist.
動詞 (of a physician) diagnose (a patient) as having an illness
1. 醫生給他戴上了糖尿病的帽子。
The doctor diagnosed him as having diabetes.
put on/wear a cap/hat; brand/label (sb) as; (of a physician) diagnose (a patient) as having an illness