吐槽的英文 吐槽用英語怎麼說?
debunk v.拆穿;揭穿;消減…名過其實的聲譽
satirise vt.諷刺;譏刺;用諷刺文抨擊;諷刺地描繪
taunt n.嘲弄;諷刺;奚落
常用 權威
1. 好在我還能跟瑪麗亞吐槽。
But I could talk to Maria.
2. 我是唯一一個誰都可以吐槽的人知道嗎?
I am the only one who everybody can spit, okay?
3. 泰勒愛寫歌吐槽前男友是眾所周知的事情了。
She's notorious for writing break-up anthems and sappy love songs about her exes.
4. 這可是你說的啊,別我開始吐槽你也開始諷刺我。
Fine. You know what's the most weird thing? I think it's not so bad.
5. 一個讀者留言吐槽說“只有垃圾食品”,我們表示贊同。
With only junk food\ was one suggestion sent in by a reader and we agree.\
6. 但是,在這個過程中我們得到了一個非常可愛的寶寶,所以,我不會吐槽。
But in the meantime, we got a really cute baby out of this whole thing. So, I'm not complaining.
7. Dudas的臉書粉絲吐槽這張(魯道夫)的是找不同裡面最難的一張圖。
The puzzle has been hailed as 'the most difficult ever' by Dudas' Facebook fans.
8. 吐槽結局的同時,觀眾們也無法忽視夏洛克的天敵莫娘自始至終未曾出現的事實。
As well as criticising the end of the show, they were also left asking about his arch-nemesis Moriarty, who was notable in his absence last night.
9. 戴軟呢帽,喝熱茶,再搭配一副眼鏡。這樣就可以了。還要吐槽所有主流的東西。
Fedoras, drink tea, glasses. There you go. And just complain about all the mainstream stuff.
10. 這種想法令我無力吐槽。看上去她們只是不想讓坑爹的陌生人和天真的孩子看到而已。
It's like they don't want creepy strangers and innocent children to watch or something.
吐槽,英文:debunk、satirise、taunt,讀音tǔ cáo,是網路用語,原指不給人家面子,當面揭穿數落,後多指在網路上宣洩心中的不滿和牢騷。詞性是動詞。 該詞源自日語。出自日本acg文化,吐槽具有被動性、解構性、娛樂性、通俗性等特點,吐槽的主體是網路上的網民,分為專業吐槽和公共吐槽,吐槽的主要平臺有微博、微信、貼吧、彈幕影片,透過文字、表情包、音訊、影片等方式進行吐槽。例句有“對於這一次難忘的經歷,大張偉也忍不住在微博中吐槽”。
動詞 debunk; jibe (at); satirise; taunt