在醫院的英文 在醫院用英語怎麼說?
in the hospital 在醫院;醫院中;住院
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我的叔叔在醫院工作,他是一名醫生。
My uncle works in a hospital, and he is a doctor.
2. 在醫院的手術室裡,一朵小云在空氣中緩慢移動。
A small cloud moves slowly through the air in a hospital operating room.
3. 當她在醫院醒來時,她發現她的兩條腿都不見了。
When she woke up in the hospital, she found both of her legs were missing.
4. 他帶著禮物出現在醫院,送給新媽媽Lindsey和她的男嬰。
He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy.
5. 幸運的是,在醫院呆了一段時間後,Ben已經康復,可以出院了。
Fortunately, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave.
6. 她還在醫院治療。
She is still under treatment in hospital.
7. 他這次生病反而是因禍得福,因為在醫院裡他認識了現在的妻子。
His illness was a blessing in disguise, for there in the hospital he knew a girl who later became his wife.
8. 他燙傷了手,在醫院接受治療。
He was treated in hospital for burns to his hands.
9. 他現在在醫院裡,情況穩定。
He is now in a stable condition in hospital.
10. 為了打發期間的這幾個月她在醫院裡找了份工作。
To occupy the intervening months she took a job in a hospital.
《在醫院》是潘衛所著,於2005年6月由華東師範大學出版社出版的圖書。 該書透過童趣的語言結合提問的方式,告訴孩子們在醫院裡的一些基本常識和行為規範,從而教育孩子們從小就養成良好的一些生活習慣。
in the hospital; at the doctor's