強勢的英文 強勢用英語怎麼說?
strong rising tendency; strong/powerful position; great momentum
常用 權威
1. 強勢品牌
strong brand
2. 強勢宣傳
publicize with tremendous momentum
3. 保持強勢的股票
stocks that keep strong
1. 該公司在交易洽談中處於強勢。
The company was in a strong position to negotiate a deal.
2. 所有,有強勢的流動資金的支援。
So on the back of strong liquidity.
3. 我的外婆很強勢,但她也很慈愛。
And my mother, my grandmother was tough, but she was also loving.
4. 這對於那些不那麼強勢的很正確。
It’s equally true for those less powerful.
5. 生物科技類股今天表現非常強勢。
Biotech stocks are really on fire today.
6. 共和黨人,他說,應該更強勢。
Republicans, he said, should be more aggressive.
7. 不過別忘了我母親也十分強勢。
But you must remember my mother was very powerful too.
8. 其支持者欣賞他的強勢和堅定。
As a result, his supporters basked in his apparent strength and certainty.
9. 布朗的強勢作為常使安南相形見絀。
He had him replaced with a powerful ally, Mark Malloch Brown, whose overpowering presence often seemed to diminish Annan.
10. 我們的目標在客場延續主場的強勢。
Our aim is to show continuity away from home.
強勢,是一個漢語詞語,意思有三種,其一指變強的趨勢;其二指強勁的勢頭;其三指勢力或力量強大。 現代流行語中常見“強勢”的用法,更多強調說話做事幹練,不拖泥帶水,更多指一種外在風格,已經不涉及對於行為主體內心的判斷。
名詞 strong rising tendency
1. 保持強勢的股票
stocks that keep strong
名詞 strong/powerful position
1. 強勢地位
strong/powerful position
名詞 great momentum
1. 強勢宣傳
publicize with tremendous momentum