猛的英文 猛用英語怎麼說?
ferocious adj.兇惡的;兇猛的;殘忍的;暴力的;劇烈的;針鋒相對的;激烈的
fierce adj.兇猛的;好鬥的;殘酷的;猛烈的;狂熱的;強烈的;極端惡劣的;破壞性極大的;作用猛烈的
violent adj.暴力的;暴行的;猛烈的;激烈的;劇烈的;強烈的;鮮豔的
energetic adj.精力充沛的;充滿活力的;需要劇烈活動的;高能的;能量的
vigorous adj.充滿活力的;精力充沛的;精力旺盛的;犀利的;用力的;體力的;有力的;茁壯的
abruptly adv.突然地;意外地
suddenly adv.突然地;意外地
quickly adv.迅速地;立刻;馬上;立即
vigorously adv.活潑地;精神旺盛地;有力地
to one's heart's content 心滿意足地;盡情地
常用 權威
1. 猛著勁兒幹
work with vim and vigour
1. 他猛踩剎車,可就是剎不住車。
He stepped hard on the brake, but the car just refused to stop.
2. 他乍猛的問我,倒想不起來了。
His question came so sudden that my mind went completely blank.
3. 這狗猛一跳就越過了小溪。
With one great bound, the dog cleared the stream.
4. 這場運動來勢很猛。
The campaign came with a great momentum/power/drive.
5. 暴風雨來勢很猛。
The onslaught of the storm is fierce.
6. 昨晚炮火很猛。
There was heavy gunfire last night.
7. 冰雹下得很猛,我們只好停下來。
It hailed so hard we had to stop.
8. 鮑爾猛踢一腳,球遠遠偏離了球門。
Ball blasted the kick wide.
9. 羅比雙拳緊握,對他猛打猛捶。
Robbie flew at him, fists clenched.
10. 我把方向盤猛往回拽,奮力開上了山。
I wrench the steering wheel back and thrash on up the hill.
形詞 ferocious; fierce; violent
1. 猛獅
savage lion
形詞 energetic; vigorous
1. 昨晚炮火很猛。
There was heavy gunfire last night.
2. 用力過猛
use too much strength
3. 猛擊一掌
give sb a powerful shove
副詞 abruptly; suddenly; quickly
1. 赤字猛增。
The deficit is skyrocketing.
2. 銷售額猛增一倍
jump by 100% in sales
3. 價格猛漲/跌
sharp rise/fall in prices
4. 鋼產量猛增
sharp increase in steel output; steep rise in steel output
5. 猛擊對手
jab at one's opponent
6. 猛地站起來
jump to one's feet
7. 猛吃一驚
be shocked/startled
副詞 vigorously; with a spur of energy
1. 猛著勁兒幹
work with vim and vigour
副詞 to one's heart's content; as much as one likes
1. 猛吃猛喝
eat and drink to one's fill/to one's heart's content