小弟的英文 小弟用英語怎麼說?
little brother 弟弟
I n.(I)英語字母表中第九個字母;一;自我意識;自我
me pron.我;天啊
常用 權威
1. 我的小弟弟喜歡像猴子一樣跳上跳下。
My little brother likes to jump up and down like a monkey.
2. 小弟弟,過來。
Come here, our kid.
3. 我的小弟弟有時讓我發瘋!
My little brother drives me mad sometimes!
4. 我想把我的小弟弟交託給你照顧.
I want to commend my little brother to your care.
5. 好啊。我會保護好你的小弟弟的。
That was good. I'm gonna let you have your little gun.
6. 小弟弟太急了,連睡衣都忘了脫。
The little one was in such a hurry that he forget to take off his pajamas.
7. 我的小弟弟喜歡在吃蘋果前聞一聞。
My little brother likes to smell the apple before he eats it.
8. 他吹噓對自己小弟惡作劇的事。
He brags about the prank he played on his little brother.
9. 我的小弟弟在沙丘上用沙子蓋城堡.
My little brother is building sandcastles on the sand hill.
10. 今晚我媽媽想要我照顧我的小弟弟。
My mom wants me to look after my little brother tonight.
◎ 小弟 xiǎodì(1) [young brother]∶幼弟小弟聞姊來。——《樂府詩集·木蘭詩》(2) [friend or acquaintance]∶男性朋友相互之間的謙稱(3) [young male servant or young waiter]∶年輕的男僕或男服務員(4) 指男性生殖器
名詞 little brother
名詞 I; me