粗細的英文 粗細用英語怎麼說?
(degree of) thickness; crudeness or fineness; degree of finish; quality of work
常用 權威
1. 工資多少要跟活兒的粗細掛鉤。
Pay must be linked to the quality of the work done.
2. 這樣粗細的沙子最合用。
Sand this fine will be just right.
3. 這屋裡的所有破舊大小粗細東西,已經一掃而空了。
By that time everything in the house, however old or shabby, large or small, fine or coarse, had been cleared away.
4. 只有磨碎的顆粒粗細恰到好處,才能讓你充分品嚐到美妙的滋味。
Only the right grind gives you all the fine flavour.
5. 而左邊的“i”根本沒有粗細對比。
The 'i' on the left has no contrast at all.
6. 您希望他們都具有相同的線條粗細.
You want them all to have the same line thickness.
7. 粉量多少,磨豆粗細均可調節。
Adjustable powder amount and grinding density.
8. 複製貼上不會改變你字型的粗細對比.
Copy - paste should not change the contrast in your typeface.
9. 一根頭髮比同等粗細的銅絲還要結實.
A human hair is stronger than copper wire of the same thickness.
10. 粉紅色的粗細不等的纖維為膠原纖維.
The pink fibers of different thicknesses are collagenous ( or white ) fibers.
名詞 (degree of) thickness
1. 這樣粗細的沙子最合用。
Sand this fine will be just right.
2. 碗口粗細的鋼管
steel tubes as big as the mouth of a bowl
名詞 crudeness or fineness; degree of finish; quality of work
1. 工資多少要跟活兒的粗細掛鉤。
Pay must be linked to the quality of the work done.