講究的英文 講究用英語怎麼說?
pay attention to 注意, 重視, 關注
stress n.壓力;重壓;精神壓力;緊張;著重;強調;重音;重讀;壓強;造成壓力的因素
strive for 努力爭取;力爭;力求
exquisite adj.極美的;精美的;精緻的;敏銳的;劇烈的;極具鑑賞力的
graceful adj.優雅的;雅緻的
tasteful adj.有鑑賞力的;趣味高雅的;得體的
常用 權威
1. 講究儀表
keep up appearances
2. 講究技法
pay special attention to techniques
3. 講究飲食
keep a good table
4. 裝潢講究
be tastefully decorated
5. 講究邏輯
have regard for logic
6. 講究門第
stress family status
7. 講究禮節
attach importance to proprieties
8. 講究衛生
pay attention to hygiene
9. 做工講究的上衣
coat of excellent make
1. 別一個勁兒傻幹,講究一點兒方法。
Don’t just keep slogging away. Pick out a better way.
2. 桌子上的鮮花擺放得很講究。
There was a studied arrangement of flowers on the table.
3. 她不講究穿昂貴的服裝。
She has no expensive taste in dress.
4. 屋子佈置得很講究。
The house was tastefully furnished.
5. 她不怎麼講究外表。
She is not very particular about her appearance.
6. 他不講究穿著。
He is not particular about his dress/clothing.
7. 插花大有講究。
Flower arranging needs careful study. / Flower arranging is quite an art.
8. 她穿著講究。
She was exquisitely/elegantly/well dressed.
9. 空心面吃起來講究筋道。面要煮得剛到火候,面心應有點兒嚼頭。
Spaghetti should be eaten al dente—cooked until just done and retaining some ‘bite’ at the core.
10. 我們在工作中應該腳踏實地,講究實效,不能搞華而不實的東西。
Instead of going for ostentation, we should be down-to-earth and strive for practical results in our work.
【拼音】jiǎngjiu 【英譯】 Study;;Nice;Careful study 【近義詞】講求,重視,考究 【反義詞】 輕視,忽視。 【基本解釋】 1.動詞,重視,講求. [造句]:我們要從小培養~衛生的好習慣. 2.形容詞,精美. [造句]:這個房間佈置得很~. 3.名詞,值得注意或推敲的內容. [造句]:翻譯的技術大有~.
動詞 be particular/fussy/fastidious about; pay attention to; stress; strive for
1. 她不講究穿昂貴的服裝。
She has no expensive taste in dress.
2. 講究衛生
pay attention to hygiene
3. 講究實事求是
strive to seek truth from facts
4. 講究美感
strive for a sense of beauty
5. 講究邏輯
have regard for logic
6. 講究吃喝/穿戴
be particular/fastidious about one's food/clothes
名詞 careful study
1. 插花大有講究。
Flower arranging needs careful study. / Flower arranging is quite an art.
形詞 exquisite; graceful; tasteful
1. 屋子佈置得很講究。
The house was tastefully furnished.
2. 她穿著講究。
She was exquisitely/elegantly/well dressed.
3. 做工講究的上衣
coat of excellent make
4. 講究的服裝/傢俱
elegant dress/furniture