盡一份力的英文 盡一份力用英語怎麼說?
do one's bit 作貢獻;盡力
常用 重點詞彙
1. 每個人都應為減少汙染盡一份力.
Everybody should make an effort to reduce pollution.
2. 我們大家都可以在此盡一份力。
And we all can have a role to play here.
3. 我們的班級演出下個月即將開演,每個人都得為演出成功盡一份力。
Our class play is coming up next month, and everyone should help make it a success.
4. 這是一生中難得的機會,每一個在倫敦的人都要盡一份力——牢牢把握這次機會吧!
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and everyone in London has a role to play - don't let it pass you by.
5. 如果歐洲想要在全球舞臺上盡一份力,它就必須行動起來,目標更加一致,承擔起更大的責任。
If Europe wants to pull its weight on the global stage, it will have to act with greater unity of purpose and shoulder a greater share of responsibility.
6. 但是她對這點還是樂觀的——她的研究會對我們逐漸增多的對抗癌症的針對性的治療儀器盡一份力。
But she is optimistic that her research will add to our growing arsenal of more targeted treatment instruments against cancer.
do one's bit