穩住的英文 穩住用英語怎麼說?
stand firm 立場堅定;堅定的立場;堅決
常用 權威
1. 穩住陣腳
maintain the position;maintain/secure one's position; secure a foothold; hold one's ground
1. 你先設法穩住他,等警察來了再說。
Do whatever you can to try to keep him here till the police arrive.
2. 穩住腳,別掉下來了。
Stand firm and be careful not to fall down.
3. 我覺得頭暈目眩,不得不穩住身子。
I felt giddy and had to steady myself.
4. 馬用蹄子拼命在打滑的路面上穩住
The horse's hooves fought for purchase on the slippery pavement
5. 最後他猛拉釣絲把魚鉤給穩住了。
At last he struck to settle the hook.
6. 她倒向一邊伸出一隻手穩住
E. g. She swayed and put out a hand to steady herself.
7. 我彎下身子,用手撐著膝蓋穩住自己。
I leaned over, bracing my hands against my knees for support.
8. 他靠在牆上穩住了自己。
He leaned against the wall to steady himself.
9. 德軍仍在蘇聯穩住腳。
The Wehrmacht remains firmly planted in Russia.
10. 登山者緊抓著穩住自己,直到營救的人趕到。
The climber held on till the rescuers reached him.
動詞 stand firm
1. 穩住腳,別掉下來了。
Stand firm and be careful not to fall down.
動詞 hold ready
1. 你先設法穩住他,等警察來了再說。
Do whatever you can to try to keep him here till the police arrive.