午覺的英文 午覺用英語怎麼說?
siesta n.午休;午睡
常用 權威
1. 為了養精蓄銳,他強迫自己睡了一個長長的午覺。
He forced himself to take a long nap to renew his energy.
2. 午飯後睡午覺遮陽將是最好的事。
After lunch, take a nap in the sunshade would be the best thing to do.
3. 艾迪也想像小貓這樣天天睡午覺…
Eddie was hoping to take a nap every afternoon like the kitty…
4. 你讀雜誌的時候, 我在睡午覺.
While you were reading a magazine, I was having a nap.
5. 祖父如果不睡午覺就會很暴躁。
Grandpa is really cranky if he doesn’t have his afternoon nap.
6. 她希望退休,這樣就可以睡午覺了。
She wants to retire so she can take a nap.
7. 每天奧利維亞都被要求睡午覺。
Every day Olivia is supposed to take a nap.
8. 我下午睡午覺在十二點三十。
I take a nap at twelve-thirty in the afternoon.
9. 午覺、午後表演、下午班火車
An afternoon sleep, performance, train
10. 他午飯後睡午覺已經成為一種習慣了.
He makes a habit of taking a nap after lunch.
中午睡上1~2小時,可使大腦和身體各系統都得到放鬆和休息, 午睡過程中,人體交感神經和副交感神經的作用正好與原來相反,從而使機體新陳代謝減慢,體溫下降,呼吸趨慢,脈搏減速,心肌耗氧量減少,心臟消耗和動脈壓力減小,還可使與心臟有關的激素分泌更趨於平衡,這些對於控制血壓具有良好的效果,有利心臟的健康,降低心肌梗死等心臟病的發病率。
名詞 nap after lunch; noontime snooze; siesta
1. 有(睡)午覺的習慣
have the habit of napping after lunch
2. 睡午覺
take/have a nap after lunch