適用的英文 適用用英語怎麼說?
suit n.一套衣服;所有花色相同的一組牌;請求;一副盔甲;一套篷帆;高階管理人員;追求;請願
常用 權威
1. 適用性
2. 適用法
law of application; applicable law
3. 經濟適用房
economical housing
4. 普遍適用
be universally applicable
5. 適用規則
rules of application
6. 仍然適用
still hold good
7. 適用範圍
scope/sphere of application
8. 適用於每個人
apply to everyone
9. 適用於一切情況
apply in all cases
1. 更新經濟適用住房補助計劃。
Renew the affordable housing grants programme.
2. 這僅適用於美國的太空活動。
This only applies to American space activities.
3. 我在大學學的德語不適用於日常對話。
The German I'd learned in university wasn't practical for everyday conversation.
4. 儘管如此,經濟適用房的情況令人絕望。
Nevertheless, the affordable housing situation is desperate.
5. 這同樣適用於勞拉。
The same goes for Laura.
6. 這個研究結果是否適用於其他地方誰也說不準。
Whether this research translates elsewhere is anybody's guess.
7. 它主要適用於谷歌、蘋果、臉書和亞馬遜等公司。
It is designed to apply primarily to companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.
8. 他們必須解決第四修正案現在如何適用於數字資訊。
They must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.
9. 對更多經濟適用房的迫切需求是真實的,並且不會消失。
The very pressing need for more affordable housing is real and is not going away.
10. 同樣的規則也適用於憤怒的嘴和憤怒的眼睛有相同的含義。
And the same rule applies to an angry mouth having the same meaning as angry eyes.
詞目:適用 拼音:shì yòng 注音:ㄕㄧˋ ㄩㄥˋ
動詞 suit; be applicable
1. 該國經驗適用於我國嗎?
Is this country's experience applicable to our country?
2. 仍然適用
still hold good
3. 普遍適用
be universally applicable
4. 適用於一切情況
apply in all cases
5. 適用於每個人
apply to everyone