傳達的英文 傳達用英語怎麼說?
pass on 傳遞, 傳給, 傳達
transmit v.傳送;輸送;傳遞;發射;播送;傳染;遺傳;傳;透;傳達
communicate v.傳遞資訊;交流資訊;通訊;通訊;領受聖餐;溝通;有感染力;傳達;傳授;傳播
convey v.載送;輸送;表達;傳遞;傳達;轉讓
caretaker n.看門人;看護人;暫時代理的
janitor n.門房;看門人
常用 權威
1. 傳達室
reception office; janitor's room; doorman's room
2. 傳達報告
relay a report; relayed report
3. 傳達資訊
convey a message
4. 傳達歉意
convey an apology to sb
5. 傳達命令
transmit an order
6. 向下屬傳達意見
communicate ideas to one's subordinates
1. 作者同意這首詩所傳達的資訊。
The author agrees with the message of the poem.
2. 他會把資訊傳達
And he would relay the information to his commander.
3. 這是你傳達對該學科無限熱情的機會。
This is your chance to convey boundless enthusiasm for the subject.
4. 傳達的基本資訊模糊不清,甚至明顯錯誤。
The basic information conveyed is obscured or at worst, obviously wrong.
5. 他們以一種直截了當的方式傳達他們的要求。
They convey their requirements in a straightforward way.
6. 當你說話、寫信或打電話時,你的話語傳達了資訊。
When you speak, write a letter, or make a telephone, your words carry a message.
7. 在某些情況下,紅色運動鞋或衣服、T恤可以傳達身份。
In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status.
8. 在某些情況下,紅色運動鞋或T恤衫可以傳達身份地位;而在其他情況下,則不是這樣。
In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status; in others not so much.
9. 傳達檔案要一竿子插到底。
The document should be relayed right down to the grass-roots level.
10. 那些尖頂傳達著宗教願望。
The spires are expressive of religious aspiration.
傳達(英文:convey),讀音chuán dá,漢語詞語,指的是通報、轉告;也指轉遞移送;還指傳遞表達。例句有“老師向大家傳達了學校的通知”。 相關古文有“大喪,始崩試嬸滲,戒鼓傳達於四方。”,出自《周禮·夏官·太僕》,相關近義詞有傳播、轉播、轉達,反義詞有反饋。
動詞 pass on; transmit; communicate; convey
1. 向下屬傳達意見
communicate ideas to one's subordinates
2. 傳達訊息
pass the information on (to sb); relay the news (to sb)
3. 傳達檔案精神
pass on/convey the gist of a document
4. 傳達上級指示
convey instructions from a higher authority
5. 傳達命令
transmit an order
6. 傳達報告
relay a report; relayed report
名詞 reception and registration of callers at a public establishment
名詞 caretaker; janitor