忘的英文 忘用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12


forget v.忘;忘記;不可能;忘我;忘乎所以;別提了;休想;不必在意;不用謝;別抱什麼希望

overlook v.忽視;忽略;看漏;俯視;眺望;監督;用邪惡的眼睛施魔法於;不理會;寬恕;寬容

neglect v.忽視;忽略;疏忽;疏漏;漏做

常用 權威



1. 過了幾天,服務員把這件事了。

After several days, the waiter forgot about it.

2. 昨天我離開房間時了關燈。

I forgot to turn off the light when I left my room yesterday.

3. 我完全了他對我說的話。

I forgot what he had said to me altogether.

4. 一天,他煮粥後了關火。

One day, he forgot to turn off the fire after cooking porridge.

5. 更糟糕的是,他在會議期間了做筆記。

Even worse, he forgot to take notes during the meeting.

6. 她了把它落在哪兒了。

She forgot where she had left it.

7. 我在上學的路上把書包在15路公共汽車上了。

I left my schoolbag on the bus No.15 on my way to school.

8. 趁我沒,讓我記下你的電話。

Let me write down your phone number before I forget (about it).

9. 她把該做的事得一乾二淨。

She had clean forgotten what she should do.

10. 我們不能因為過上了好日子就了本。

We must not forget our old sufferings simply because we are living happy lives now.


忘( wàng),漢語漢字,會意兼形聲。字從心,從亡,亡亦聲。“亡”意為“消失”、“喪失”、“失去”。“心”指“心志”。“亡”與“心”聯合起來表示“喪失心志”。本義:心中的日誌消失。




動詞 forget; fail to remember

1. 前事不忘後事之師。

The past not forgotten is a guide for the future.

2. 你忘了我要來嗎?

Did you forget that I was coming?

3. 老人有時愛忘事。

Old people are sometimes forgetful.

4. 喝水不忘挖井人。

When you drink the water, think of those who sink the well.

5. 趁我沒忘,讓我記下你的電話。

Let me write down your phone number before I forget (about it).

6. 好了傷疤忘了疼

forget the pain when the wound has healed; bask in the present comforts and forget about the past sufferings

7. 提筆忘字

character amnesia

8. 忘得一乾二淨

clean forget about the whole thing; forget completely/utterly; forget all about sth

9. 忘了名字/生日/通訊地址

forget sb's name/birthday/address

動詞 forget; overlook; neglect

1. 很多人一開始為了夢想而忙,後來忙得忘夢想。

Many people start a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it.

2. 我的包忘到公共汽車上了。

I left my bag on the bus.

3. 我忘帶鑰匙了。

I forgot my key(s).

4. 別忘了自己的職責。

Don't neglect your duty.

5. 別忘了代我向他問好。

Don't forget to give my regards to him. / Please remember me to him.

6. 忘了關燈

forget to turn off the lights

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