綁的英文 綁用英語怎麼說?
tie v.系;縛;拴;捆;扎;連線;聯合;使有關聯;打成平局;勢均力敵;得相等比分
bind v.緊繫;緊拴;固定;使有歸屬感;使團結在一起;使負法律義務;裝訂;給…鑲邊;適用於;使便秘
常用 權威
1. 將犯人繩捆索綁
tie a criminal up
2. 纏綁著紗布的手
bandaged hand
1. 一個女人在自己身上綁了一根繩子,而懸崖頂上的一個男人抓著繩子。
A woman tied (系) a rope around herself while a man at the cliff top held the rope.
2. 他們給他上了綁。
They bound the man up with a rope.
3. 他的一隻手臂綁了條臨時代用的吊帶。
He had one arm in a rough sling.
4. 她把針綁在了一起。
She bunched the needles together.
5. 他狠狠地揍了那個傢伙一頓,然後把他的兩個腳踝綁到一起。
He pasted the guy and tied his ankles together.
6. 他把繩子緊緊地綁在那金屬圈上.
He made fast the rope to the metal ring.
7. 我綁的時候“嘻嗬”坐在他身上。
Hee-Haw sat on him while I did it.
8. 他們將綁在威斯敏斯特教堂結婚。
They'll be tying the knot at Westminster Abbey.
9. 板凳偏偏不讓扁擔綁在那板凳上。
The shoulder-pole insists on tying itself on the bench.
10. 我要綁一個血壓計到你的上臂.
I am going to put a tourniquet around your upper arm.
動詞 tie; bind
1. 這幾天我一直被綁在單位裡。
I have been tied down at the office these days.
2. 把犯人綁起來,不然他會逃跑的。
Bind the criminal down or he may escape.
3. 把行李綁起來
tie up the luggage
4. 把小偷綁到柱子上/樹上
bind/tie the thief to a post/tree
動詞 bind sb's hands behind his back; truss up
1. 他直挺挺地站在那兒,手被反綁著。
He stood erect there with his arms bound behind his back.
動詞 kidnap (for ransom)