趴的英文 趴用英語怎麼說?
bend over 彎腰;彎下腰;俯身
lean on 依靠, 憑藉, 斜靠
常用 權威
1. 摔了個大馬趴
fall flat on one's face
1. 趴低點,左轉,保持方向不變。
Howard: Stay low. Bear left. Now keep true.
2. 終於, 我可以見識到傳說中的宿舍趴踢!
Finally, I can experience the legendary fraternity parties!
3. 別總宅在家裡。去轟轟趴
Don't just stay at home. Go to some parties. Social with people.
4. 我用內向人的方式轟趴,意思就是……我不轟。
I party like an introvert, which is to say...... I don't.
5. 把他痛扁一頓打趴為止,儘可能多地打斷他骨頭?
Overpower and wrestel them to the ground, breaking as many bones as possible?
6. 我認為我不需要對怎樣用縱趴姿勢放鬆做具體說明。
Of course when I talk about rest I'm not suggesting chilling out on the computer or in front of the TV.
7. 大姐姐騎大腳踏車兜風時, 小妹妹會騎趴趴車緊隨在後.
Big sister rides a bike, little sister has a trike.
8. 這條幼獒犬的反應是往草地上重重一趴,乾脆打起盹兒來。
The Mastiff pup responded by flopping down on the grass and taking a nap.
9. 坎昆是一個著名的春假旅遊地,以龍舌蘭酒和泡泡轟趴聞名。
Cancun is famous for spring break, tequila and foam parties.
10. 只有在大的三角形中0趴贍芟允境?80°與三角和有任何差距.
Only a large triangle could possibly reveal any significant departure from an angle sum of 180� �.
動詞 lie on one's stomach/front; lie prone
1. 狗趴在主人的腳下。
The dog grovelled/lay at his master's feet.
2. 跌趴在地上
fall on all fours
3. 趴在床上
lie face down on the bed
動詞 bend over; lean on
1. 她趴在窗臺上向外看。
She leaned on the windowsill, looking out.
2. 趴在桌子上睡著了
bent over the desk, asleep