發高燒的英文 發高燒用英語怎麼說?
have a high fever; run a temprature
run a fever
1. 他發高燒,躺在床上直打冷戰。
He’s got a high fever, lying in bed with a bout of the shivers.
2. 這種病最初的症狀是發高燒。
The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature/fever.
3. 她擔心女兒發高燒,昨晚沒有睡踏實。
She was anxious about her daughter’s fever and did not sleep well last night.
4. 他因發高燒而臉色潮紅。
The fever gave him a high colour.
5. 他頭疼,還發高燒/低燒。
He's got a headache and a high/slight fever.
6. 這種疾病常以發高燒的症狀出現.
This kind of disease is companied with the symptom of high fever.
7. 她發高燒,處於神志不清的狀態。
She had a high temperature and was delirious.
8. (這名嬰兒因發高燒而脫水.)
The baby had a high fever and was dehydrated.
9. 你們一般給發高燒的孩子開什麼藥?
What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever?
10. 發高燒是這種疾病的表現症狀之一.
A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.
發高燒,英語叫做have a high fever。發高燒是一種常見病症,幾乎每一個人都有過發高燒的經歷,表現的症狀為:額頭滾燙、頭暈目眩,嚴重時不僅渾身疼痛,甚至燒到意識模糊、發生抽搐、有時還有冷的感覺。