搜查的英文 搜查用英語怎麼說?
search v.查詢;搜尋;搜查;搜…的身;在(計算機網路或資料庫)中搜索
seek v.尋找;尋求;追求;找到;找出;請求;去;前往
ransack v.洗劫;把…偷竊一空;搶劫;劫掠;徹底搜尋;仔細搜查
rummage v.翻找;查詢;搜查;翻找出;搜查出;徹底檢查
常用 權威
1. 搜查證
document of search; search warrant
2. 搜查權
power of search
3. 搜查令
search warrant; writ of search
4. 秘密搜查
hole-and-corner search
5. 奉命搜查
be under orders to search
6. 抗拒搜查
resist search
7. 非法搜查人身
unlawfully search the body
8. 挨家挨戶搜查
house-to-house search
9. 逃過警察的搜查
escape police searches
1. 他的一個孫子想再次搜查穀倉。
One of his grandsons wanted to search the barn again.
2. 警察在這一地區搜查了幾天。
The police searched the area for several days.
3. 在沒有搜查令的情況下搜查嫌疑人的手機。
Search for suspects' mobile phones without a warrant.
4. 當局可能會在嫌疑人被捕時搜查他們的財產。
Authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.
5. 警察迅速搜查了房子,但沒有找到那個女孩。
Officers did a quick search of the house but couldn't find the girl.
6. 他們在沒有搜查令的情況下搜查被捕者的錢包或皮夾。
They go through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant.
7. 消防員趕到現場,搜查了另一間臥室的壁櫥和狹窄的床。
Firefighters arrived and after searching the closet and narrow beds in another bedroom.
8. 法庭裁決警察在無搜查令的情況下搜查疑犯的錢包並沒有違反第四號修正案的規定。
The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment.
9. 他們在機場不得不接受全身搜查。
They had to submit to a thorough body search at the airport.
10. 警察在田野裡散開進行搜查。
The police spread out to search the fields.
詞目:搜查 拼音:sōu chá 基本解釋 搜尋檢查,檢視查考
動詞 search; seek; ransack; rummage
1. 秘密搜查
hole-and-corner search
2. 徹底搜查
search thoroughly; conduct a thorough/an exhaustive search
3. 挨家挨戶搜查
house-to-house search
4. 在屋子裡搜查違禁品
rummage/ransack a room for contraband
5. 逃過警察的搜查
escape police searches
6. 進行搜查
prosecute/make/conduct a search (for)