搭車的英文 搭車用英語怎麼說?
hitchhike n.搭便車(旅行)
take advantage of sth phr.利用某物
常用 權威
1. 讓那要求搭車的人搭上我們回家的便車,本是惠而不費的事。你為何不理他呢?
It wouldn’t cost us anything to give the hitch-hiker a ride on our way home. I wonder why you ignored him.
2. 你能讓我搭車去機場嗎?
Can you give me a lift to the airport?
3. 司機停下來讓一個搭車人上了車。
A hitchhiker flagged me down on the highway.
4. 有的。您可以在北站的門口搭車。
Yes, we do. You can catch it outside the north terminal.
5. 我上學的時候曾經很喜歡搭車旅行.
I used to hitch - hiking best when I was a student.
6. 後來我離開了卡車,繼續搭車南下。
Later I left the truck and hitchhiked south.
7. 有時這叫做騎肩,搭車或者打乒乓.
This is sometimes called piggybacking, hitchhiking, or ping ponging.
8. 人生一世,就好比是一次搭車旅行。
Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown destination.
9. 最後一次見喬治是他搭車去沙漠
And george was last seen hitchhiking into the desert
10. “他多半是不花錢搭車回家.
He was probably bumming his way home.
簡單地說,就是搭乘別人的車出行。分為免費和收費兩種。免費搭車,在國內一般發生在熟人之間,如同事、親戚、朋友。在國外,更多地在陌生人之間出現。而收費搭車則更多地出現在國內,這種收費更多地包含互惠互利的性質,包括近年在城市中比較流行的拼車,有漸成行業之勢。服務搭車的論壇、網站相繼出現,免費的、收費的都有。 搭車在國內外已經是一種旅行的方式,很多人用“花最少的錢,走最多的路”去實現自己旅行的夢想,因而選擇搭車這樣一種途徑。搭車,即在路邊隨手招車,只要你願意不停對過往的車輛伸出你的大拇指揮動,在西藏青藏川藏及偏遠地區更易搭車。 搭車有風險。搭車需慎重!
動詞 take/ride (a train or bus)
1. 搭直達車
take/ride the through train/bus
動詞 get a lift/ride; hitchhike
1. 我也去城裡,你搭我的車吧。
I'm going to town, too. I can give you a lift/ride.
2. 他讓我搭他的車。
He offered me a lift.
3. 一路搭車,遊遍中國
hitch all the way across China
動詞 stand to gain from a ready opportunity; take the opportunity; do sth at an opportunity
1. 利用調整物價之際搭車漲價
take the opportunity of price regulation to raise prices
動詞 take advantage of sth; do sth on a pretext and with gain in mind