換句話說的英文 換句話說用英語怎麼說?
namely adv.即;那就是
scilicet adv.即;也就是
in other words 換句話說, 也就是說, 換言之
in other word 換言之;換句話說
that is to say 換句話說, 也就是說
常用 重點詞彙
1. 換句話說,不要看網上的評論。
In other words, don't read online comments.
2. 換句話說,人們喜歡賭博是有原因的。
In other words, there's a reason why people like to gamble.
3. 換句話說,富人越來越富。
In other words, the rich get richer.
4. 換句話說,樂觀可能會培養有益健康的良好習慣。
In other words, optimism may foster good habits that bolster health.
5. 換句話說,解決一場爭論會讓你的負面情緒減半。
In other words, resolving an argument cuts your negative feelings by half.
6. 換句話說
In other words, they have difficultly critically thinking about the information they see.
7. 換句話說,不要讓霸凌毀了你的生活,這非常重要!
In other words, it's very important not to let bullying ruin (毀壞) your life!
8. 換句話說,選擇在社交媒體上分享新聞可能是問題的核心。
In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue.
9. 換句話說,內疚感可以幫助一個有合作力的物種團結在一起。
Guilt, in other words, can help hold a cooperative species together.
10. 誰也不想對超過短期,換句話說,約一個月以上的任何情況作出承諾。
No one wants to commit to anything longer than short-term, IOW about a month.
namely; scilicet; in other words; in other word; that is to say