以某種方式的英文 以某種方式用英語怎麼說?
somehow adv.以某種方式;用某種方法;不知什麼原因
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我不得不以某種方式利用這一點。
I just had to harness that somehow.
2. 然後以某種方式實現這個想法。
Then, realize that idea somehow.
3. 這些遊戲會讓你習慣以某種方式去思考。
These games will get you used to thinking in a certain way.
4. 儘管如此,我們做的很多事情都是以某種方式模仿他人。
Still, many things we do are about copying others one way or another.
5. 他們需要以某種方式被喚醒,他們更喜歡好訊息而不是壞訊息。
They needed to be aroused one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad.
6. 以某種方式避免被大連鎖店收購和改造的創辦已久的小客棧。
Old-established inns that have somehow avoided being bought over and sanitized by the big chains.
7. 以某種方式做某事的語義關係。
The semantic relation of being a manner of does something.
8. 我總是知道他會在這一行以某種方式。
I always knew I would be in this business somehow.
9. 一些使用者說以某種方式持握手機時就會掉線。
Some customers say calls are dropped when the device is held a certain way.
10. 這個世界上至少有十五個人以某種方式愛著你。
At least fifteen people in this world love you in some way.