出行方式的英文 出行方式用英語怎麼說?
trip mode
常用 重點詞彙
1. 公共交通日益完善,居民出行方式趨向多樣化.
The traffic modes of resident turn to diversity along with public traffic becoming perfect.
2. 不同出行方式中私家車出行產生的碳排放量最大,從工作日到非工作日增幅最大;
The carbon emission by private car travel accounts for the largest proportion in total carbon emissions and shows the largest increase from working day to nonworking day.
3. 安琪:搭乘計程車出行會很昂貴。但是如果你和別人一起,那這會是一個很棒的出行方式。
Angie: Traveling by taxi can be expensive. But they are a great way to travel if you are with other people.
4. 人行道是城市步行交通系統的重要組成部分,其服務水平直接決定出行者對步行出行方式的選擇態度。
The sidewalk is an important part of urban pedestrian transportation system, the service quality of which influences the attitude of townspeople towards walk.
5. 在大城市中,“綠色出行”往往難以實現,因為人們覺得當地的交通狀況很難允許騎腳踏車這種出行方式。
Green commuting is something rare in most big cities, as people find it hard to integrate their own personal bicycle ride with the local transportation system.
6. 這位美國的研究人員說的一定不是主動的出行方式,對嗎?因為如果騎腳踏車長距離通勤的人身體活動一定較多。
Neil:The American researcher must be talking about commuters who aren't engaged in active travel, mustn't she Because if you cycle a longer distance then you're being more physically active.
7. 形跡可疑的人,出行方式非同尋常的人可能會讓自己增加額外安檢的煩惱,不過種族和宗教因素也很快將加入到這一標準中來。
People behaving suspiciously or with an unusual travel pattern might find themselves under additional scrutiny but racial or religious factors could also soon form part of the criteria.
8. 對於大多數人來說,他們唯一可用的交通工具就是十一路公車(不要告訴我你看不懂),在這裡你看到人們的出行方式要麼是走路,要麼是騎腳踏車。
For a large part of the population the only transportation available are their own two feet, and thousands of people walk or ride everywhere.
trip mode