反的英文 反用英語怎麼說?
turn over 翻;發動;持續運轉
reverse v.倒;倒退;反轉;顛倒;倒轉;使(車輛)倒行;將… 內面翻出來;使逆轉;把…顛倒過來;互換
return v.回;返回;歸還;把…退回;產生;選出…去任職;選出(政黨)去執政;恢復;回覆;回答
counter n.櫃檯;小圓板;計數器;計算器;對立物;對立面;反作用;艉突出體;外傾艉端;字谷;主跟;後幫
combat n.戰鬥;格鬥;鬥爭;反對
oppose v.反對;抵抗;競爭
revolt v.反叛;造反;起義;使厭惡;使反感;反抗;反感;違抗;厭惡
generalize v.作一般概括;推廣;普及;使廣泛(或全面)適用;使普遍適用;使能通用;全身性的;非區域性的
go against 反對;抵抗;與(一種情緒;原則)相反;對…不利的
breach n.違反;違背;破壞;不履行;缺口;裂痕;破裂;決裂
upside down 顛倒, 倒轉;一團糟, 混亂不堪
inside out 裡面朝外
on the contrary 與此相反, 恰恰相反
instead adv.替代;頂替;代替;而不是…
reactionary adj.反動的;極端保守的;反動派的
counter-revolutionary adj.反革命的
常用 權威
1. 反右傾
struggle against Right deviations
2. 反圍剿
counter-campaign against encirclement and suppression
3. 反輻射導彈
anti-radiation missile
4. 反時針旋轉
turn anticlockwise
5. 裡外穿反
wear sth inside out
6. 反彈道導彈條約
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
7. 反彈道導彈系統
anti-ballistic missile system
8. 掀起反獨裁的浪潮
start a wave of anti-dictatorship
9. 同情反殖民主義事業
sympathize with the anti-colonial cause
10. 將某人的雙腕反拷在背後
handcuff sb's wrists behind
1. 他們對議會的反肥胖辯論感到不安。
They are uncomfortable with parliament's anti-obesity debate.
2. 這是反加密戰爭中一場全新的奇襲。
This is a brand-new salvo in the war against encryption.
3. 轉變的一個原因可能是該國的反貧困計劃。
One reason for the turnaround may be the country's antipoverty program.
4. 該委員會認為,其他機關將防止反競爭行為。
The commission argued that other agencies would protect against anti-competitive behavior.
5. 它從事反競爭行為。
It engages in anti-competitive practices.
6. 反塗鴉藝術家的反汙染資訊讓市政當局感到困惑。
The anti-pollution message of the reverse graffiti artists confuses city authorities.
7. 反移民的情緒尤其高漲,同時種族和階級矛盾也變得更加劇烈。
Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes.
8. 這本小說刻畫了一個反英雄形象。
This novel portrays an anti-hero.
9. 有些人自私自利,不以為恥,反以為榮。
Some people are very selfish, and they are proud instead of ashamed of it.
10. 你的套頭毛衣裡外穿反了。
You’ve turned your pullover inside out.
反,讀音為fǎn,左上包圍結構,是漢語漢字,釋義為翻轉;顛倒的;同“返”。組詞有“反正”“造反”“反彈”,例句有“延安整風的時候,集中反了教條主義,附帶反了經驗主義,二者都是主觀主義。” 反的筆順是ノ 丿 ㇇ ㇏,反的部首為廠 。相關作品有《論語·顏淵》。
動詞 turn over; reverse
形詞 opposite (in direction); upside down; inside out; reverse
副詞 on the contrary; instead
動詞 return; counter
動詞 combat; oppose
動詞 revolt; rebel (against)
名詞 reactionary; counter-revolutionary
動詞 generalize
null詞 null
動詞 go against; breach; not conform with