不良的英文 不良用英語怎麼說?
bad adj.糟糕的;差的;拙劣的;劣質的;令人不快的;惡劣的;不幸的;邪惡的;道德敗壞的;受傷的;生病的;疼痛的;腐爛的;遺憾的;後悔的;難過的;無價值的;偽造的;好的;特棒的
harmful adj.有害的;造成傷害的
unhealthy adj.有害健康的;不衛生的;不健康的;顯出病態的;不健全的;不正常的;有害的
defective adj.有缺陷的;有缺點的;不足的;智力不健全的;缺乏的;不完全變化的
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 不良行為
undesirable conduct
2. 絕緣不良
defective insulation
3. 消化不良
indigestion; dyspepsia
4. 不良風氣
5. 不良分子
undesirable person/element; antisocial element
6. 接觸不良
loose contact
7. 出牙不良
dysodontiasis; dental dysplasia
8. 接地不良
bad grounding
9. 不良貸款
non-performing loan
10. 發育不良
11. 存心不良
cherish evil thoughts/intentions; harbour evil designs; have wicked intentions; with evil intent
12. 不良習慣
bad habit
13. 不良導體
poor conductor
14. 營養不良
dystrophy;suffer from malnutrition
15. 預後不良
unfavourable prognosis; prognosis mala
16. 居心不良
harbour an evil intention; be bent on evil; be ill-disposed
17. 藥品不良反應
adverse drug reaction
18. 糾正不良習慣
cure sb of bad habits
19. 品行不良的人
person of very bad conduct
20. 外胚層發育不良
ectodermal dysplasia
1. 然而,它可能會導致不良影響。
However, it may lead to bad effects.
2. 青少年犯罪和不良行為的發生率正在下降。
The incidence of teenage crime and misbehavior is decreasing nowadays.
3. 它將努力核銷不良貸款。
It will endeavor to write off bad loans.
4. 這是不良行為的原因。
It is a cause of undesirable behaviors.
5. 讓他們更加營養不良。
Make them even more undernourished.
6. 電視和電影製片人經常包含不良行為的元素。
TV and movie producers often incorporate an element of bad behavior.
7. 它通常會導致不良後果——飲酒、吸毒和濫交。
It usually leads to no good — drinking, drugs and casual sex.
8. 新增\不良選項\是為了迎合一些顧客的特殊需求。
\The bad option\ is added to cater to peculiar needs of some customers.
9. 它歡迎它們作為解決長期飢餓和營養不良問題的工具。
It welcomes them as a tool to address chronic hunger and malnutrition.
10. 在過去的一年裡,我們很少在商場發現不良顧客行為。
We have found very few instances of bad customer behavior at our store in the past year.
不良(英文:bad),拼音為bù liáng,是漢語詞語。指不善,不好;也指不賢良的人,即不良人、不良才。例句有“我吃了這種新藥沒有不良反應”。 近義詞有無益、不利、惡性,反義詞有良好。
形詞 bad; harmful; unhealthy
1. 病人服了此藥沒有不良後果。
The patient who took this medicine suffered no ill results.
2. 不良行為
undesirable conduct
3. 不良習慣
bad habit
4. 不良傾向
harmful/unhealthy trend
5. 不良後果
undesirable/negative consequences
6. 不良風氣
unhealthy mores; unhealthy ways and customs
7. 存心不良
harbour evil intentions/ill intent; have ulterior motives
8. 防止不良影響
avert adverse/evil influences
形詞 defective
1. 絕緣不良
defective insulation
2. 接觸不良
loose contact
bad; harmful; unhealthy; defective