求和的英文 求和用英語怎麼說?
sum up 總結來說, 概括來說
totalize v.使聯合成整體
常用 權威
1. 雙方政府正在做出求和的表示。
Both sides of the governments are making overtures of/for peace.
2. 叛亂者被迫求和。
The rebels were forced to sue for peace.
3. 第一個運算對這些數字執行求和。
The first operation sums the numbers.
4. 採用積分求和法對流量進行累加。
Flow is added in the method of integration.
5. 求和的運算是透過節點來表示的。
The operation of summing is represented by the nodes .
6. 寧可委屈求和,不可恃強取勝.
Better a lean peace than a fat victory.
7. 對每個分子的能量求和。
So it's the sum of all energies E sub, over all the atoms.
8. 這個求和叫做配分函式。
Just these sums, what are called partition functions.
9. 對陣列的所有元素求和
CvSum Sum all elements of an array
10. 而第九章則是一種認罪的代求和恆切的禱告。
There are intercessory as well as persistent prayers in chapter 9.
求和(英文:totalize),讀音qiú hé,是漢語詞語,指戰敗或處境不利的一方,向對方請求停戰,恢復和平;也指打球或下棋等競賽的一方估計不能取勝,設法造成平局。 例句有“南宋統治者面對敵人的無理要求,一味割地求和,甚至殺害主戰派將士,這種做法等於是自取滅亡”。 相關句子有“高起潛湊近他的耳朵咕噥說:我看皇上滿心急著要和,就是怕他自己落一個向敵人求和的名兒,尤其怕外廷議論。”出自於姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第一章。
動詞 sue for peace; make/offer proposals of/for peace; hold out the olive branch
1. 雙方政府正在做出求和的表示。
Both sides of the governments are making overtures of/for peace.
動詞 (in ball games or chess) try to equalize the score; try for a draw
動詞 sum up; totalize