老子的英文 老子用英語怎麼說?
father n.父親;神父;早期基督教神學家;養父;創始人;繼父;父輩;奠基人;保護人;父代
I n.(I)英語字母表中第九個字母;一;自我意識;自我
me pron.我;天啊
常用 權威
1. 天王老子
father of the Heavenly King—person of supreme power
2. 老子天下第一
regard oneself as number one under heaven―think oneself the greatest/wisest in the world
3. 老子英雄兒好漢
a hero's son is no chicken; the son of a hero must be a stout fellow too
1. 老子為什麼是道家的創始人。
Why Laozi was the founder of Taoism.
2. 人們認為,這種薄霧與老子有某種聯絡。
It is believed that this mist was connected to Laozi in some way.
3. 語出《老子》。
The quotations are from Laozi .
4. 兒子犯了法,弄得警察老子不尷不尬,好幾天不敢見人。
The policeman felt rather embarrassed by his son’s offence against the law and made himself scared for several days.
5. 再牛的肖邦也彈不出老子的悲傷。
Again the cow Chopin also play out Lao the of sadness.
6. 孫子出題,兒子監考,老子不會。
The son, grandson of the topic, not Lao Tzu.
7. 本書對《老子》的哲理頗多發明.
This book does much to expound the philosophy of the Lao Zi.
8. 她的老子在紐約是個了不起的人物。
Her old man is a big cheese in New York.
9. 你想得美!老子開的還是二手車呢。
Fat chance! I'm still driving a used car.
10. 那就是老子用“無為”這個詞的含義。
That's what Lao Tzu means when he uses the word wu-wei.
老子,本名李耳,字伯陽,諡曰聃,出生於周朝春秋末期楚國苦縣,曾任周朝守藏室之史,世界百位歷史名人之一,中國古代思想家、哲學家、文學家和史學家,道家學派創始人和主要代表人物,在道教中,被尊為道教始祖,稱“太上老君”。 相傳春秋末年,老子騎一青牛從洛陽向函谷關而來,老子來之前,尹喜觀星象、“望氣”,看見一股紫氣從東方冉冉而來,於是推算出必有真人要來,當老子騎牛過關時,尹喜認定老子就是那位真人,這就是“紫氣東來”的故事。 2016年播出的電視劇《老子傳奇》中,該角色由繁華飾演。老子著有《道德經》。
道德真經即《道德經》,又稱《老子》、《老子五千文》。共81章,5000餘言,分上下篇。老子著。 老子姓李名耳,字聃,一字伯陽,或曰諡伯陽,春秋時期人,生卒年不詳,籍貫也多有爭議。老子為道家學派創始人和主要代表人物,與莊子並稱“老莊”。在道教中被尊為道祖,稱“太上老君”。在道教中,《莊子》又稱《南華真經》,《列子》又稱《沖虛真經》,與《道德真經》合稱三真經,被道教奉為主要經典。
名詞 Laozi [Chinese philosopher of the late Spring and Autumn Period and founder of Daoism/Taoism]
名詞 Classic of the Way and Virtue [Daoist/Taoist classic by Laozi]
名詞 father
名詞 [a form of self-address used by an arrogant person] I; me