學姐的英文 學姐用英語怎麼說?
senior adj.較年長的;年齡大些的;高階的;高職的;老;最高級別的;職位高於;大於一定年齡(通常為11歲)的學童的;大學最後一年的;大於一定年齡的
1. 於是她們就向學姐們說起這件事。
Then they will learn elder sisters about this matter.
2. 這是一份來自高年級學姐們的宣告書。
Eg: This is a declaration from girls in the higher grade.
3. 在這裡,我想感謝俱樂部的學長學姐們。
Here, I would like to thank the club for their sister school students.
4. 學長學姐們可以給我很多學習和生活方面的建議。
The seniors can give me pieces of advice on life and study.
5. 親愛的學長、學姐, 你們已經完成小學階段的學業.
My dear brothers and sisters, you have finished your studies in elementary school.
6. 到考研班開始前,如果時間允許建議看看前一年學長學姐的強化班講義。
To one's deceased father grind before the class begins, learn before if time allows a proposal, looking one year to grow the aggrandizement class teaching materials that learns elder sister.
7. 開學版春天在哪裡:——學姐在哪裡啊,學姐在哪裡,學姐都在學長的懷抱裡。
School version where the spring: - sister school where, ah, where the sister school, sister school seniors arms.
8. 試著問學長學姐們借書吧,或是趁著打折的時候入手,這門課的學業完成之後再把書都賣掉。
Try picking up textbooks from seniors or at a reduced rate and sell your books once you are done with your studies.
9. 記得一位學姐說過 “會考就是抄的”,可都是考試逼的,要說也沒什麼,可就有那些老師抄也不讓抄。
Xushui remember one of the \Examination is copied, \ is the examination can be forced, and also to say no, there are those who can not let teachers copied copied.