採納的英文 採納用英語怎麼說?
accept/adopt (a plan, suggestion, proposal, etc); take (sb's advice); formally approve
常用 權威
1. 採納決議
adopt a resolution
1. 我希望我的想法能被採納。
I hope my idea can be taken.
2. 富有想象力的想法如果不及時採納就會消失。
Imaginative ideas die away if not taken in time.
3. 我期待著這次活動,並真誠地希望我的建議能被採納。
I'm looking forward to the activity and sincerely hope that my proposal will be adopted.
4. 他的方案屢試不爽,應該採納。
His plan should be adopted for it has proved quite effective after repeated tests and trials.
5. 他的建議當即被上級採納。
His proposal was immediately adopted/accepted by his superiors.
6. 他的方案被採納了。
His plan was approved.
7. 這個計劃根本就沒有希望被採納。
The scheme has a snowball's chance in hell of being accepted.
8. 這項決定是因為司法部長的建議才得以採納的。
The decision was taken on foot of advice from the Attorney General.
9. 人類所採納的與生物學上的抑制頗有相似之處的社會習俗。
The human adoption of practices which are conformable to biological constraints.
10. 演講題目:通往被採納的路徑假想
Lecture topic: Hypotheses on the Path to Adoption
詞目:採納 拼音:cǎi nà 詞意探源:指選用;採取吸收。[採納]聽他人意見來完善自己的見解。 《新唐書·張公謹傳》:“數言時政得失,太宗多所採納。”
動詞 accept/adopt (a plan, suggestion, proposal, etc); take (sb's advice); formally approve
1. 他的方案被採納了。
His plan was approved.
2. 欣然採納意見
embrace an idea/opinion
3. 採納建議
seize on a suggestion; take/follow/adopt sb's advice