鴛鴦的英文 鴛鴦用英語怎麼說?
yuanyang mandarin duck and drake—(Chinese) lovebirds; symbolic image of intimacy between a man and a woman; loving couple; lovebirds
常用 權威
1. 鴛鴦浴
mandarin ducks bath (a man and a woman, usu lovers or couples, having a bath together)
2. 鴛鴦樓
newlyweds apartments [1980s apartments for couples who had married late and had no place to live]
3. 鴛鴦瓦
roof tiles with concave ones matching convex ones
4. 鴛鴦枕
mandarin ducks pillow
5. 鴛鴦戲水
mandarin ducks sporting in water
6. 鴛鴦侶
affectionate couple;spouse
7. 鴛鴦席
train seats for newly-weds
8. 鴛鴦室
9. 鴛鴦火鍋
two-flavoured hotpot (one is spicy and the other not)
10. 鴛鴦椅
love seat [double seat in a cinema]
11. 鴛鴦座
love seat
12. 鴛鴦名片
visiting card with the names, address and telephone number of a married couple
13. 鴛鴦被
quilt with cover embroidered with mandarin ducks
14. 鴛鴦蝴蝶派
romances; novels characterized by cloying over use of mandarin ducks and butterflies to indicate loving couples, popular in China around the 1920s
1. 如有你相伴,不羨慕鴛鴦不羨仙。
If you is not envious of mandarin ducks do not envy cents.
2. 有踢?踹?蹬?鴛鴦腿等種腿法.
It includes hoofing, kick, stepping and mandarin legs.
3. 好!鴛鴦鍋總是辣的一邊先開。
This side is boiling! Put some mutton in first!
4. 鴛鴦戲水後,他們離開了旅館。
Mandarin ducks playing in the water, they left the hotel.
5. 這所妓院花魁的花名叫鴛鴦.
The most favored prostitute in the brothel used the alias Yuan Yang.
6. 他們夫婦專門找人精心製作了鴛鴦名片.
This couple makes an exquisite pair of calling cards.
7. 梧桐相待老,鴛鴦會雙死.
Lakka - trees ripen two by two And mandarin - ducks die side by side.
8. 特色鴛鴦鍋: 一紅一白 、 相得益彰.
Mandarin duck pot characteristics: a red one white, complement each other.
9. 這家劇院設有鴛鴦座兒, 只是票價太高.
This theatre has love seats, only the tickets are too expensive.
10. 鴛鴦吃了毒藥中毒而死。
Yuanyang eat poison poisoning.
鴛鴦(學名:Aix galericulata),別名“中國官鴨”,是雁形目鴨科動物,是一個合成詞,其中鴛指雄鳥,鴦指雌鳥,是中國著名的觀賞鳥類,被看成愛情的象徵,列入《世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄》無危。 鴛鴦屬雁形目的中型鴨類,體長38-45釐米,體重0.5千克左右。雌雄異色,雄鳥嘴紅色,腳橙黃色,羽色鮮豔而華麗,頭具豔麗的冠羽,眼後有寬闊的白色眉紋,翅上有一對慄黃色扇狀直立羽,像帆一樣立於後背,非常奇特和醒目,野外極易辨認。雌鳥嘴黑色,腳橙黃色,頭和整個上體灰褐色,眼周白色,其後連一細的白色眉紋,亦極為醒目和獨特。棲息于山地的河谷、溪流。分佈於中國、日本等地區。 2022年7月24日早晨。合肥觀鳥愛好者在巢湖拍攝到了國家二級保護動物鴛鴦,據瞭解,這也是巢湖首次發現鴛鴦的蹤跡。
《小雅·鴛鴦》是中國古代第一部詩歌總集《詩經》中的一首詩。這是一首祝賀貴族結婚的詩。 此詩前二章以鴛鴦起興,後二章以馬起興。鴛鴦是成雙成對的鳥,馬和親迎之禮有關。前兩章詩人以鴛鴦比喻夫妻,貼切自然,易於引起欣賞者的共鳴。後兩章寫摧秣乘馬,興結婚親迎之禮,反映了詩人的婚姻價值觀念,也是對理想人生、美好人生的由衷禮讚。詩人對典型細節的描摹細緻入微,以及象徵手法的運用,是此詩的兩大藝術特色。
名詞 yuanyang mandarin duck and drake—(Chinese) lovebirds
1. 鴛鴦戲水
mandarin ducks sporting in water
名詞 symbolic image of intimacy between a man and a woman; loving couple; lovebirds