通話的英文 通話用英語怎麼說?
converse v.談話;交談
communicate v.傳遞資訊;交流資訊;通訊;通訊;領受聖餐;溝通;有感染力;傳達;傳授;傳播
常用 權威
1. 普通話
putonghua ; mandarin
2. 通話人
telephone user
3. 通話計時器
telephonometer; peg count meter
4. 通話時間
talktime; airtime
5. 通話計數器
phonemeter; message register
6. 提倡說普通話
promote the use of putonghua
7. 長距離通話
trunk/toll/long-distance call
8. 推廣普通話
popularize putonghua
9. 語音通話
voice call
10. 內部通話系統
11. 普通話夾粵語
Mandarin mixed with Cantonese
12. 按鍵通話系統
press-talk system
13. 國家普通話水平考試
National Proficiency Test of Putonghua
1. 它在英語中被稱為普通話,或標準漢語。
It is known in English as Mandarin Chinese, or Standard Chinese.
2. 我想和客戶服務部通話。
I'd like to speak to the Customer Service Department.
3. 它能夠與接待員通話並預訂而不被檢測到。
It was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.
4. 普通話 是主要的方言,超過70%的人口在使用。
Putonghua (or Mandarin) the predominant dialect, is spoken by over 70% of the population.
5. 服務員用普通話和我們打招呼,我們用普通話回答。
The waiters greeted us in Putonghua and we answered them in Putonghua.
6. 通話時間通常很早,所以我儘量在合理的時間上床睡覺。
Call time is usually bright and early, so I try to get to bed at a reasonable hour.
7. 同樣,如果來電者要求與某人通話,不要只說\是\或\不是\。
Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to someone, don't just say \yes\ or \no\.
8. 他和那個法國人用英語通話。
He conversed with the Frenchman in English.
9. 他的普通話說得真地道。
He speaks perfect putonghua .
10. 濫用文言文,是對推廣普通話的一種反動。
The indiscriminate use of the classic Chinese runs counter to the popularization of putonghua .
]∶用彼此都懂的語言交談 2.用電話交談
動詞 communicate by telephone
1. 我剛才打長途同朋友通了話。
I just made a long-distance call to my friend.
2. 她正在與媽媽通話。
She is on the phone with her mother.
3. 通話人
telephone user
動詞 converse; communicate
1. 他和那個法國人用英語通話。
He conversed with the Frenchman in English.