名額的英文 名額用英語怎麼說?
number of people assigned or allowed; quota (of people)
常用 權威
1. 錄取名額
number of enrollees; admission quota
2. 白瞎了一個名額
waste a candidature
1. 只有一個名額,卻有幾十人搶這飯碗。
There is only one opening, but dozens of people are competing for the position.
2. 誰勝誰就將穩獲奧運會參賽名額。
Whoever wins should be guaranteed an Olympic place.
3. 只剩下3個名額了,我下週六開始。
There were only 3 places left, and I will begin next Saturday.
4. 活動尚有名額, 歡迎報名參加。
There are still vacancies, please feel free to join.
5. 候選人的名額應當多於應選名額。
The number of candidates shall be larger than the number due to be elected.
6. 工程師名額戴帽兒下給了小王。
The leader named Xiao Wang is also an engineer.
7. 三十個人必須只為十個名額來競爭。
Thirty people had to compete for only ten openings.
8. 精神科日間醫院名額增至679個.
The number of psychiatric day hospital places was increased to 679.
9. 這計劃初步設有500個名額。
An initial quota of 500 was set.
10. 名額有限,先報先得,大家請不要錯過!
Limited seat only, first come first serve, come and join us, don't miss it!
名詞 number of people assigned or allowed; quota (of people)
1. 名額已滿。
The quota has been filled.
2. 招生名額
number of students to be enrolled; admission quota
3. 代表名額
number of deputies to be elected or sent to a conference
4. 出國留學名額
number of people to be sent to study abroad