幹部的英文 幹部用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-01-30



government official 政府官員

civil servant 文職人員, 公務員, 公僕

cadre n.骨幹隊伍;核心;幹部

常用 權威



1. 老幹部

veteran cadre

2. 離休幹部

retired veteran cadre

3. 任免幹部

appoint and dismiss cadres

4. 機關幹部

government functionary; office worker

5. 得力幹部

competent government officials

6. 考核幹部

check on government officials

7. 幹部學校

cadre school; school for cadres

8. 幹部制度

official personnel system

9. 考評幹部

test and assess officials

10. 黨政幹部

Party and Government officials

11. 選拔幹部

select cadres

12. 腐蝕幹部

subvert cadres

13. 在職幹部

officials in active service

14. 高階幹部

senior/high-ranking/high-level government official

15. 工人幹部

worker-turned cadre; worker-cadre

16. 考聘幹部

appoint officials through examination

17. 幹部帶頭

cadres standing in the van

18. 領導幹部

leading cadre; leader; leadership

19. 勞教幹部

cadre reeducating juvenile delinquents through labour

20. 管教幹部

officer at a reformatory


1. 老幹部應主動讓位,退居二線。

Senior officials should step down voluntarily from their leading posts to assume advisory ones.

2. 該廠將改善幹部和工人的比例。

The factory is trying to improve the ratio between office personnel and workers on the floor.

3. 我們要建立一種幹部能上能下的機制。

We must establish a mechanism wherein officials are ready to accept a higher or lower post.

4. 他的父親是個三八式幹部

His father is a thirty-eighter.

5. 領導幹部要身先士卒,做好抗洪救災工作。

Government officials should take the lead in fighting flood and helping the victims.

6. 這些幹部剛從基層上來。

These cadres have just come from grass-roots units.

7. 幹部們每晚十一點查鋪。

The officers make bed checks at 11 o’clock every night.

8. 這些幹部都很得用。

These functionaries are very capable.

9. 應該禁止幹部吃請。

We should prohibit officials from accepting dinner invitations in exchange for favour.

10. 幹部要能上能下。

A government official should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post.





《幹部》是何群監製 並導演的電視劇,尤勇、孔祥玉等參與演出 該劇講述的是項達民憑著一雙膠鞋、一袋乾糧、一雙手和吃飽飯、穿暖衣的理想,項達民在二十多年前開始了他艱苦卓絕的鄉鎮企業創業史。二十多年過去了,領導的塔鎮,成為全國第一個跨進小康生活的鄉鎮的故事。



名詞 government official; (government) functionary; civil servant; cadre

1. 我們要建立一種幹部能上能下的機制。

We must establish a mechanism wherein officials are ready to accept a higher or lower post.

2. 使幹部隊伍革命化、年輕化、知識化、專業化

make the ranks of cadres more politically aware, younger in average age, better educated and more professionally trained

3. 離退休幹部

retired cadre

4. 老幹部

veteran cadre

5. 技術幹部

technical cadre

6. 各級領導幹部

leading cadres at all levels

7. 高素質的幹部隊伍

high-quality team/contingent of cadres

8. 高階幹部

high-ranking/senior cadre

9. 黨政幹部

Party and Government officials

10. 幹部帶頭

cadres standing in the van

11. 選拔幹部

select cadres

12. 任命幹部

nominate sb as a cadre

13. 任免幹部

appoint and dismiss cadres

14. 培養年輕幹部

foster/nurture young cadres

15. 交流乾部

exchange leading officials (among different units and localities)

16. 腐蝕幹部

subvert cadres

名詞 functionary (as opposed to a soldier or worker)


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