詩集的英文 詩集用英語怎麼說?
poetry anthology; collection of poems
常用 權威
1. 薄薄的詩集
slim volume of poems
2. 編錄詩集
compile a book of poetry
3. 組編詩集
compile an anthology of poems
4. 出版詩集
publish an anthology of verse
5. 一本詩集
a collection of poetry
6. 現代英語詩集
collection of modern English verse
1. 該詩集所收篇什均為作者近作。
All the poems collected in this anthology are the poet’s recent works.
2. 這些書是讚美詩集錦,很有用。
These books offer a useful collection of psalmody.
3. 詩集《歲月》是他的一部重要作品。
His poetry Years is one of his important works of the time.
4. 詹姆士-泰德出版過多部詩集
James Tate has published a number of books of poetry.
5. 約翰小心地儲存著這本舊詩集.
John held the book of old poetry close to him.
6. 這是孔繁星發表的第四本詩集。
This is the 4th volume of Kong Fan-xing's poems.
7. 他把他的壯懷都寫進了這本詩集裡.
He has expressed all his bold and forthright feelings in this collection of poems.
8. 他的新詩集和他以前的選集不一樣.
His new collection of poems is unlike his previous anthologies.
9. 愛倫坡出版了一本非常暢銷的詩集……
Poe published the very successful poetry collection…
10. 留有詩集一部,是住文武兼備的將軍。
He wrote a book of poetry, and he was a both civil and military general.
名詞 poetry anthology; collection of poems
1. 現代英語詩集
collection of modern English verse
2. 《郭沫若詩集》
Collection/Anthology of Guo Moruo's Poems; Collected Poems of Guo Moruo
3. 出版詩集
publish an anthology of verse
4. 一本詩集
a collection of poetry