德芙的英文 德芙用英語怎麼說?
dove n.鴿;鳩鴿;主張和解政策的人;鴿派人物;溫和派人物;聖靈;鳩鴿科:眾多屬和種;白鴿是家鴿的一個品種
1. 和孩子不同的是,媽媽其實不喜歡德芙巧克力。
Unlike the child, Mommy actually doesn't like Dove chocolate.
2. 蘇茜:德芙巧克力可真是不錯。
Susie: The Dove chocolate bar was delicious.
3. 德芙巧克力的故事已經感動每一個人。
The Story of Dove Chocolate Has Touching every one.
4. 德芙得了流行性感冒。
Dave has the flu.
5. 德芙無糖巧克力每塊不超過40卡路里含量.
DOVE Sugar Free Chocolates are less than 40 calories per piece.
6. 德芙無糖巧克力帶來完全純正的巧克力口味!
DOVE Sugar Free delivers the total chocolate experience without compromising taste!
7. 好,親愛,這是最喜歡德芙巧克力。願意嫁給嗎?
Ok, honey, this is Dove you like. Will you marry me?
8. 蘇茜: 我喜歡德芙,因為她的牛奶味兒特濃,吃起來絲般嫩滑.
Sue: I love Dove chocolate because it is rich with milk and smooth as silk!
9. 著名的德芙教授(譯註1)有一次在解釋雪花的形成時,講過這樣一個有趣的故事。
On the occasion of a lecture about the formation of snow in the atmosphere, Professor Dove once told an anecdote, which is as interesting as it is instructive.
10. 相信大家都吃過德芙巧克力吧,但你們知道嗎,這甜蜜的背後隱藏著一個悽美的愛情故事。
I believe everyone had enjoyed the delicious taste of DOVE chocolate. But how many of you know the bitter love tale hidden behind the sweetness of brand?