放鬆自己的英文 放鬆自己用英語怎麼說?
relax oneself phr.自我放鬆;放鬆身心;放鬆
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在假日中,放鬆自己,反省自己。
In day off, relax the oneself, examine oneself oneself.
2. 蘇珊太緊張了,她需要放鬆自己。
Susan was so stressed out that she needed to relax herself.
3. 走進房間,徹底放鬆自己的手臂。
Step into the room again and completely relax your arms.
4. 我們要在孤獨和悲傷中放鬆自己。
Why make it into a problem? Relax into your loneliness; into your sadness.
5. 他喜歡在週末看滑稽劇來放鬆自己.
He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.
6. 在高速下落中,貓有時間放鬆自己.
At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax.
7. 你要放鬆自己,儘量領會每一個詞。
Just be relaxed and try to catch every word.
8. 他們可以使用他們下班後放鬆自己。
They can use them to relax themselves after work.
9. 年輕人常在舞池中放鬆自己。
Young people often loosen up on the dance floor.
10. 你可以徒步長走,放鬆自己;
Or take a long relaxing walk;
relax oneself