手段的英文 手段用英語怎麼說?
means cn.手段;方法
method n.方法;辦法;條理;系統計劃
measure v.量;測量;度量;斟酌;權衡;走過;衡量;評估;比較;達到
skill n.技巧;技藝;技能
finesse n.靈巧;精妙;技巧;策略;高明的手腕;飛牌;飛張
trick n.詭計;花招;騙局;一圈;一墩;嫖客;舵手的一班;技巧;把戲
artifice n.妙計;奸計
常用 權威
1. 耍手段
play tricks
2. 必要手段
necessary actions
3. 正當手段
proper means
4. 生產手段
means of production
5. 弄手段
play tricks
6. 謀生手段
means of life
7. 手段狠辣
by vicious means
8. 核查手段
means of verification
9. 恐怖手段
terror tactics; terrorism
10. 流通手段
medium/means of circulation
11. 軍事手段
military means
12. 經濟手段
economic means
13. 拙劣手段
hanky-panky tactics
14. 高壓手段
strong hand; high-handed measure;high-handed measure; steamroller/jackboot tactics; oppressive means
15. 手段高明
play one's cards well
16. 偽裝手段
means of camouflage
17. 公關手段
public relations ploy
18. 輿論手段
opinion means
19. 支付手段
means of payment;means/medium of payment
20. 通訊手段
medium of communication
1. 養牛一直是窮人的主要謀生手段。
Cattle rearing has been a major means of livelihood for the poor.
2. 它被視為尋求知識的一種手段。
It was viewed as a means to quest for knowledge.
3. 只有極少數的入室盜竊是透過技術手段實施的。
Only a very small proportion of burglaries are committed by technical means.
4. 但是當你不能面對面交流時,可以考慮使用科技手段。
But when you can't connect in person, consider using technology.
5. 隨著時間的推移,它有很多技術手段來關閉後門程式。
It has plenty of technical means to close a backdoor over time.
6. 烹飪成為了一種偶爾的愛好和名廚(展露廚藝)的手段。
Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs.
7. 食草是一個安全的庇護手段,遠離家庭規模的農場,以維持生存。
Going grass-fed is a safe refuge, away for family-scale farms to stay viable.
8. 您可以把我作為最後的手段,如果沒有其他志願者,那麼我將做這件事。
You can use me as a last resort, and if nobody else volunteers, then I will do it.
9. 論起外交手段,他遠遠賽不過她。
She is more than his match in diplomatic shrewdness.
10. 他不擇手段地得到了一份肥缺。
He thrust himself into a fat job.
【詞目】手段 【注音】【shǒu duàn】
名詞 means; method; measure
1. 拙劣手段
hanky-panky tactics
2. 支付手段
means of payment
3. 通訊手段
medium of communication
4. 強硬手段
hard hand
5. 高壓手段
strong hand; high-handed measure
6. 非法手段
illegal means
7. 法律手段
legal means
8. 必要手段
necessary actions
9. 卑劣手段
underhanded method/means
10. 手段高明
play one's cards well
11. 使用一切手段
use every instrumentality
12. 採取專橫手段
take the high hand
名詞 skill; finesse
1. 師傅比我們手段高明多了。
Our mentor is much more skilful than we are.
名詞 trick; artifice
1. 耍手段
play tricks
2. 採用種種手段
resort to all sorts of tricks; use every artifice