偏差的英文 偏差用英語怎麼說?
error n.錯誤;差錯;出錯;誤差
deviation n.背離;偏離;離差;磁羅盤偏差
declination n.赤緯;拒絕;磁偏角;磁偏差
常用 權威
1. 鉛垂線偏差
plumb-line deviation
2. 磁針偏差
magnetic declination
3. 偏差下限
lower limit of variation
4. 方位偏差
azimuth deviation
5. 羅盤偏差
compass deviation
6. 象限偏差
quadrantal deviation
7. 偏差度
degree of deviation
8. 偏差角
angle of deviation
9. 減少偏差
reduce deviation
10. 嗅覺偏差
11. 高低偏差
vertical deviation
12. 偏差均衡器
deviation equalizer
13. 出現偏差
deviation occurs
14. 斜率偏差
slope deviation
15. 命中偏差
deviation of impact
16. 磁偏差
magnetic deviation
17. 磁羅盤偏差表
deviation table
18. 20度的偏差
declination of 20 degrees
1. 他們對待員工的方式也不太可能出現偏差。
They're also less likely to deviate in how they treat employees.
2. 他說的跟事實有很大偏差。
What he said deviated greatly from the truth.
3. 作者在處理倫理問題上出現了偏差
[as adv.]the author comes adrift in tackling ethical issues
4. 這將計算出與預算偏差的百分比.
This will calculate the percentage deviation from the budgetary figure.
5. 因為這會引起一個有偏差的反應。
As this would elicit a bias response.
6. 多次套印廢品率高,色彩偏差大。
High reject rate, Large color deviation.
7. 凡是定長遠的計畫都難免出偏差。
Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.
8. 本法的相對標準偏差小於10%。
The relative standard deviation was less than 10%, The corr…
9. 實物期權理論在應用中的認識偏差
Real option theory ' deficiency in practical application
10. 蝸桿和渦輪組合傳動精確無偏差.
Intermeshed worm and worm gear provide precise driving without gaps.
偏差(pian cha),漢語詞語,意思是運動的物體離開確定方向的角度,工作上產生的過分或不及的差錯。
名詞 error; deviation
1. 他說的跟事實有很大偏差。
What he said deviated greatly from the truth.
2. 政策方面的偏差
deviation/error in policy
3. 認識上的偏差
a wrong way of looking at things; error in judgement
4. 明顯的/細微的偏差
sharp/slight deviation
5. 糾正偏差
correct a deviation; right a wrong
6. 減少偏差
reduce deviation
7. 出現偏差
deviation occurs
名詞 (angle of) deviation; declination
1. 隨機偏差
deviation at random; deviation from randomness
2. 偏差下限
lower limit of variation
3. 偏差量
amount of deviation/dispersion
4. 偏差均衡器
deviation equalizer
5. 偏差角
angle of deviation
6. 偏差度
degree of deviation
7. 20度的偏差
declination of 20 degrees