行長的英文 行長用英語怎麼說?
president /governor of a bank
常用 權威
1. 央行行長
central banker; governor of the central bank
1. 銀行行長否認幹過任何不法勾當。
The head of the bank has denied any wrongdoing.
2. 他極有可能成為我們新的執行長。
He is very likely to become our new CEO.
3. 當時美國銀行的行長
The head of the Bank of the United States was Nicholas Biddle.
4. 他非常可信, 被委任為銀行行長。
He is so credible that he has been accredited president of the bank.
5. 彭日成是保盛豐的首席執行長。
Pang is the chief executive of PEMGroup.
6. 你有沒有聽到執行長要退休的傳言?
Did you hear the buzz regarding the CEO's retirement?
7. 銀行行長在四月三十日辭職了.
The bank governor renounced his job on April 30.
8. 交通銀行副行長於亞利訪問交易所。
Ms. Yu Yali, Vice President of the Bank of Communications, visited SGE.
9. 歹徒抓走銀行行長並將他扣為人質.
The bandits take away the bank manager and keep him hostage.
10. 作者系塞拉俱樂部超越煤炭運動執行長
The writer is director of the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign.
名詞 president /governor of a bank