慢走的英文 慢走用英語怎麼說?
stay v.停留;留下;保持;維持;暫住;逗留;停止;延緩;防止;暫緩執行;支援;擁護;支撐;用支索支撐;用牽索固定
wait a minute 稍等片刻, 且慢
take care 當心,留心;保重, 照顧好自己(多用於告別)
good-bye int.再見
常用 權威
1. 慢走,我有話要跟你說。
Wait a minute please. I have got something to tell you.
2. 您請上二樓,小心臺階,請慢走。
You invited to the second floor, careful steps, please walking.
3. 感謝,慢走,歡迎您下次再來。
Thanks, take care, and you are welcome to come again.
4. 那好吧,歡迎你再來,請慢走!
Ok. You're welcome to come again. Please go home safely.
5. 比賽後,應讓馬慢走一會兒。
Horses should be walked for a while after a race.
6. 既然別你的時候它有意慢走。
Since from thee going, he went wilful-slow.
7. 你想和我一起去慢走會嗎?
Do you feel like going jogging with me?
8. 這兒得慢走, 路很不平.
Go easy here, the road is very rough.
9. 我能隨意使馬快走或慢走。
I can make my horse go fast or slow at pleasure.
10. 時間都給他的話膠著,只好拖泥帶水地慢走.
His words brought time to a halt and it just hart to drag itself slowly along.
màn zǒu 3.送人離開時使用的客套話。 “慢走”在 漢英 詞典中的解釋: 1.Don't go yet. 2.Good-bye! 3.to loiter; to wander
動詞 don't go yet; stay; wait a minute
1. 慢走,我有話要跟你說。
Wait a minute please. I have got something to tell you.
動詞 [said by the host to a guest at departure] take care; good-bye
1. 您慢走。
Mind how you go. / Take care.