階層的英文 階層用英語怎麼說?
(social) stratum
常用 權威
1. 知識階層
intellectual class;educated class
2. 特權階層
privileged stratum
3. 領導階層
leading echelon
4. 工薪階層
salariat; salaried workers; wage-earning class; wage-earners
5. 社會各階層
all social strata
6. 夾心階層
sandwich class
7. 金領階層
gold collar class
8. 開領階層
open-collar workers
9. 貧困階層
underprivileged class
10. 白領階層
white-collar class
11. 中間階層
intermediate stratum;intermediate stratum
12. 貴族階層
aristocratic stratum
13. 草根階層
the grass roots; the people of lower social classes
1. 從所有社會階層收集基因資料。
Gather gene data from people of all social classes.
2. 社會階層極大地有助於豐富教育經歷。
Social class greatly helps enrich educational experiences.
3. 它主要滿足特權階層的需要。
It mainly caters to the needs of the privileged.
4. 工薪階層和富裕家庭的育兒之道都有優點。
Parenting approaches of working-class and affluent families both have advantages.
5. 職業演員階層的崛起預示著戲劇將要變得大眾化。
The growth of a class of professional actors was threatening to make the drama popular.
6. 它基於一種有點幻想的、非常白人的、非常中上階層的意識形態。
It's based on a somewhat fantasised, very white, very upper-middle-class ideology.
7. 在整個時期,旅行是艱苦而昂貴的,只有特權階層才有可能去旅行。
Travel was arduous and costly throughout the period, possible only for a privileged class.
8. 《花錢帶來幸福感》的讀者顯然是特權階層,他們渴望得到滿足,而不是為飢餓發愁。
Readers of Happy Money are clearly a privileged lot, anxious about fulfilment, not hunger.
9. 那個國家沒有貴族階層。
That country doesn’t have a nobility.
10. 他屬下流階層的人。
He is a man of inferior rank.
名詞 (social) stratum
1. 中間階層
intermediate stratum
2. 知識階層
educated class
3. 特權階層
privileged stratum/class
4. 社會各階層人士
people of all walks of life; people from all social strata
5. 貧困階層
underprivileged class
6. 領導階層
leading echelon
7. 工薪階層
salary/wage earners
8. 低/高收入階層
low/high income group
9. 不同的社會階層
different social classes; different social strata