花粉的英文 花粉用英語怎麼說?
pollen n.花粉
常用 權威
1. 花粉管
pollen tube
2. 花粉孢子
pollen spore
3. 花粉籃
organ on the back leg of a worker bee, used for carrying pollen
4. 花粉抗原
5. 花粉食品
pollen food; beebread food
6. 花粉病
pollinosis; pollen allergy; hay fever
7. 對花粉過敏
be allergic to pollens
1. 它們不需要從其他蒲公英花中獲取花粉來形成種子。
They do not have to get pollen from another dandelion flower in order to form seeds.
2. 風從玉米上帶走花粉,並把它從一塊地吹到另一塊地。
The wind picks up pollen from the corn and blow it from field to field.
3. 如果我的鄰居種了不好的玉米,不好的花粉
If my neighbors grow bad corn, the bad pollen will have bad influence on mine.
4. 花粉受精通常依靠蜜蜂。
Flowers are often fertilized by bees.
5. 其他裂片張開以後,花粉就散出來了。
After the other lobes dehisce, the pollen is set free.
6. 每一陣微風都會使花粉飄散在房子四周。
Each breeze would waft pollen round the house.
7. 雄蕊長在花的中央,能產生花粉.
Stamen is in the middle of a flower and may produce pollen.
8. 如果有嚴重的花粉過敏引起哮喘。
You are an asthma sufferer with severe pollen allergies .
9. 這並不是說,應該害怕花粉季節。
This isn't to say that you should be afraid of pollen season.
10. 花葯是花的雄蕊上帶花粉的部分.
Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen.
花粉是有花植物雄性器官,是雄蕊中的生殖細胞,外觀呈粉末狀,其個體稱“花粉粒”。 大多數花粉成熟時分散,成為單粒花粉。兩粒以上花粉粘合在一起的稱為複合花粉粒。許多花粉結合在一起,在一個藥室中有兩塊以上的稱為花粉小塊。在一個或幾個藥室中全部花粉粒粘合在一起的稱為花粉塊。
名詞 pollen
1. 花粉孢子
pollen spore
2. 花粉管
pollen tube